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The couples are stuck together beyond the normal process because of a stay at home order. Brett and Olivia are stagnant. Olivia is going to the hospital to work and Brett is worried about the pandemic.

Olivia defies the order to go see her mom which bothers Brett. Brett leaves while she's gone and goes back to his home. Olivia calls him about it and is upset.

They talk to the experts who want them to talk things out but Brett isn't interested and knows they aren't meant for each other.he leaves.

Bennett and Amelia are doing well. She gets assigned to Virginia for residency. Bennett agrees to split his time between there and NOLA.

Woody and Amani get into an argument when she wants to see his DMs and he declines. They work through it and talk about kids again..

Miles is frustrated wirh not feeling desired by Karen. He tells her that he would day no if the experts asked at that moment if they should be together. He gets upset when Karen tells him he's not masculine again.

The experts talk to them both and have them work through things.

Christina either forgets or doesn't pay attention to the fact that it's Henry's birthday. She leaves one day and stays out all night.

Henry tells Cal that Christina is dishonest. She tells Dr. Pepper that she needs kror romance and such. Henry and Christina clash again. Later Christina tells Henry that a reliable source told her that he's gay and involved with another man. Henry denies it and is confused but Christina never shows him the text.

Married at First Sight
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