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E.Z. is a changed man, and struggling to come to terms with what happened with Gaby.

He tells Angel he had to kill her or she would have went to the cops about him.

Angel understands, but he knows there's more to the story.

E.Z. tells his father that he killed Gaby and he says he's lucky his mother isn't here.

Felipe is broken.

Adelita is struggling to move on from everything that happened, and is pushed into a very different pathway.

Angel tells her that she can't leave again, or he'll keep their son. She says she's a bad person and they've done bad things.

Angel says their purpose now is to keep their son pure.

The Mayans invade a SOA clubhouse, killing everyone inside.

E.Z. kills Canche when he gets the chance and acts as though he was killed in battle.

Angel catches him and is conflicted about what to do next.

Gilly brings a mother and son into the house and tries to look after them after things took a very different turn in their own house.

Mayans M.C.
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Mayans M.C. Season 4 Episode 8 Quotes

EZ: Gaby's gone.
Felipe: Where is she?
EZ: Buried in the desert somewhere under dirt.

EZ: Why are you avoiding me?
Angel: It's just too much.