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Angel is having a day with his son and girlfriend, until E.Z. pops up and menacingly tells him they're going out.

He tells Angel to leave his gun at home, but Angel knows better than to do that and heads off into the great unknown with his brother.

He's worried that Sofia has told him everything about what he told him. E.Z. tells his brother to walk in front and go into a house.

Angel is crying because he thinks E.Z. is going to kill him, but when he goes through the door, Happy is in bed with a woman.

The woman jumps up and Happy taunts them about taking so long to avenge their mother.

The woman leaves and E.Z. shoots Happy before telling his brother to take the kill shot. It's a shocking scene and one that changes the relationship between the brothers forever.

Emily is in bed, depressed that her plan didn't work, but she goes out shooting with her handler.

He tells her he knew she was going to run and that Miguel will never allow her to get away, something that she should listen to.

At the park, Cristobal is almost kidnapped and Emily realizes that with her and Miguel's enemies out there, there's no safety.

Sofia goes to see her ex and tells him to stop contacting her, but he forces her to confront her feelings.

It hits her that she's lost her daughter and there's probably no way they can bounce back.

Mayans M.C.
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Mayans M.C. Season 5 Episode 6 Quotes

Get in the truck. Leave your gun.


Handler: I know you were gonna leave.
Emily: Were you going to let me?
Handler: He won't let you.