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Mitch and Cam are on a yoga getaway. They're doing it for their marriage, but Mitch is taking notices from work. Cam wants to see the Royals at spring training.

Jay is working out and dressing younger. He's trying to get in shape because Joe's friend's dad is cool and Joe can't stop talking about him.

Phil is trying to smarten up to impress Hayley's professor boyfriend. Claire thinks she's smarter than Phil. (Arvin)  Alex is dating a fireman, Bill. He's dumb. Alex looks like she's eaten a popscicle. Lipstick looks terrible. They don't get Arvin's joke, but they pretend to. Bill says, "You sound like Austin Powers, man."

Henry's dad is named Clay. Jay and Gloria are at Henry's birthday party. Henry's mom did 2 tours in Iraq and is very athletic. Gloria is jealous. Her name is Jenny.

Mitch and Cam are going into a sensory deprivation tank and Mitch is worried about Cam in a small space. Mitch is freaking out in the tank. Cam went to spring training. He caught a ball and got a picture with the coach. He's invited to hang out.

Back at dinner. Luke thinks Alex's boyfriend is the genius. Alvin's theory has been disproven and he's upset. (quote at .14)

They are at dinner having a smart contest and Alvin got a question wrong. He feels bad and leaves. Alex is mean to her boyfriend and he leaves the table too.

Gloria is outrunning the cops, pulls into a parking garage and tells everyone to duck. "That's gonna be tough, I can smell cinnibon." Jay

Mitch is freaking out about the tank and he figures out that Cam went to spring training. They're in the meditation circle, fighting in silence and throwing things at each other. They made up in silence.

Hayley is giving Alex a hard time about making Bill feel dumb. She's gonna blow it. "you're one fire i can't put out. also grease is pretty tricky" Bill

Phil and Claire are trying to talk Alvin down. He's panicking because he isn't used to failing. "this is house dunphy. we fail here." Phil

They made Alvin feel better. He said they're emotionally intelligent.

Joe had fun. Jay is trying to teach him a good lesson and running from the cops is not good. Jay is going to do the right thing and confess to the officer, but he just asks the cop where cinnabon is.

It goes back to cam on the field and he's hanging out with the team and joking around. 

Modern Family
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