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The witches participate in Citydrop, their final training exercise. Tally breaks her ankle upon landing and Raelle heals her. In doing so, Raelle learns that Tally reported Scylla to Anacostia. The White Days evaluation will determine which units remain in the running for War College and which flunk out and get early deployment. Tally tries to explain what she did but Raelle isn't listening. Raelle shoves Tally into a car which sets off an earpiercing siren. They get covered with a sound plague. Then Tally tells Abigail what she saw at the wedding. Raelle leaves to find Anacostia and her unit mates follow. Raelle meets Helen Graves again but Helen doesn't know who Raelle is, since Scylla had previously impersonated her. Abigail and Tally brutally overcome two evaluators who attacked them. Raelle calms berserking Abigail. The Bellweather unit gets chastised. The next exercise involves rounding up "Spree" at a nearby school. Anacostia and Helen question Raelle about her meeting with someone pretending to be Helen. Anacostia informs Raelle Scylla is Spree. Alder's forces attack a Spree armory, which blows up, killing hundreds. Two trucks from the armory head to Boston. Alder wants to send the cadets to intercept them. The Bellweather Unit makes up. The witches form a wedge across the road and use wind shear to blow the lead truck off the road. A Spree disguised as Scylla approaches Raelle but Raelle gives her a beatdown. Tally scries the Spree arming the mines in the second truck. Also there are hostages. Alder orders an attack anyway. They atomize the truck but Libba was killed. Abigail takes time to process her death. Tally informs her unit mates about the hostages. Adil comes to check on Abigail then snuggles with her to comfort her. Alder releases her version of events. 

Motherland: Fort Salem
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Motherland: Fort Salem Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Libba: It's no fun to beat you if you're not at your best.
Abigail: The feeling is so mutual.

Raelle: It was you. You reported [Scylla].
Tally: I can explain.
Raelle: You lied to Anacostia. Tally, I trusted you.