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Nancy is having her birthday dinner and ponders when her true birthdate is ... until the police arrives to arrest her.

Contempt of court is the reason.

At the station, someone goes all Pretty Little Liars and says she needs to crack the murder of Dolores.

As the layers are pulled back, Nancy realizes Hamilton has a part in it, but Hamilton says that Fraser hit her and it caused her to have a seizure and die in police custody.

Fraser does not admit it, but the case is closed.

Nancy then visits a confessor and says that she knows she was the person to put the case in her lap.

Bess, George, and Ace turn to a spirit to get help finding Mary's spirit.

In the end, the spirit does not return because she moved on with someone else and lived a full life.

Odette is upset and says there must be more to the story.

Nancy realizes that she has to take down the Hudsons if she wants to have any hope at a future.


Nancy Drew
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