Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 14 Review: The Siege of the Unseen Specter

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Extreme measures are necessary to get answers.

What could have been a cut and dry case of the week on Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 14 blossomed into so much more.

On this nail-biting episode of the mystery drama, the Drew Crew was forced to tackle a case they didn't know existed, and it tugged on the heartstrings.

Joy - Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 14

The revelation that Dolores's disappearance was forgotten about by the people of Horseshoe Bay and the media because a young girl went missing just days later made for difficult viewing, and the way the answers just kept coming kept me on the edge of my seat throughout.

The series tackled systemic racism and police brutality in a way that felt natural and didn't feel forced. If you watch Nancy Drew online, you know the series loves to throw in supernatural elements, but everything related to the case was down to the failings of the people around Dolores.

She was failed by the person who called the cops on her, the cops, and of course, everyone else that was involved in the events leading up to her death.

New Case - Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 14

I figured Hamilton would be involved for some reason. Every single time she was on the screen, I searched for clues to see if she acted a certain type of way, but I was floored that it was all Fraser.

Fraser talked a big game, implying that the case hit him so hard that he quit the force because he strived for change, but my best guess is that he wanted to be far away from the police when the truth inevitably came out.

Dolores's family not learning the truth before they passed away was another gut punch, but it was nice that someone wanted answers.

Nancy piecing together the clues to find the person who held everyone inside the police station was typical. The sleuth has a knack for solving crimes, and that's why the confessor seized the opportunity when she learned Nancy was headed to jail.

Detective Tamura - Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 14

While the case had a huge effect on Nick, it also reiterated to Nancy that she has to fight for what's right, and saving Everett from facing up to his crimes is not the best foot forward.

As much as Nancy doesn't want to agree, she's slowly gotten closer to the Hudsons and is willing to help them out now more than ever. Everett, however, is pure evil, and helping him is a quick way to turn her from a hero into a villain.

An identity crisis for her was inevitable, but for now, it looks like she knows what she has to do, and that will make the final episodes of Nancy Drew Season 2 all the more exciting.

Nancy has picked a lane, but something tells me she'll need to chat with Everett before long and possibly change up her plan.

Nick - Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 14

It will be interesting to see how this affects her relationship with her grandmother because she's desperately wanted to believe that she could forge a connection there.

Nancy feels like her whole life has been a lie, so of course, she wants to nurture the bonds she has. She doesn't want to lose anyone, but she also needs to make some tough calls.

Taking down Everett will also probably put her on the outs with Ryan again. Everett has been vocal about taking his son down should he go down, and by extension, that also means the whole family will be in trouble.

The search for Mary's soul brought some much-needed levity to the installment. Odette has been understandably lonely for all of these years, but a part of her is slowly warming up to George.

Ryan Hudson - Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 14

It's evident there is still a strong bond between Odette and Bess, and that will make for some awkward encounters in the future.

There has to come a point in which Odette and Bess give in to their feelings, but when Odette is sharing a body with George, it means there is no clear path forward for them.

Bringing Mary back would have choked the tension out of what appears to be one of the best relationships on the show, but it also means these two women are destined for heartache.

George may be OK with Odette ... for now, but who's to say Odette won't want to have the body all to herself to pursue a relationship with Bess?

Bess - Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 14

There is so much at stake as we delve into the final four episodes, and we'll be checking in with Tom Swift on Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 15.

The episode will be a backdoor pilot for a potential spinoff, so we probably only have three episodes to unpack all of the drama.

The good news is that Nancy Drew is already renewed for Season 3, but we need to get some big movement on these storylines as the season comes to a close.

What did you think of the way the series tackled police brutality? Do you believe Odette will want to take control of George's body?

What do you think will happen with Nancy turning her back on the Hudsons?

Will everyone survive the final episodes?

Were yous surprised Mary had moved on and loved again?

Catch new episodes Wednesdays at 9/8c on The CW.

The Siege of the Unseen Specter Review

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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