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The team is shocked, trying to move on from Gibbs, but a surprising zombie-like body changes everything.

Parker is preparing to leave and find another job, Torres is yelling at Vance about even offering the job to him.

This causes a major argument and Vance reveals that Gibbs wanted to offer it to McGee, leading to a big turn of events.

Parker agrees to accompany everyone on the case and it doesn't take long for him to prove he's good at the job.

They find themselves chasing a group of people who were hacking lottery tickets and using the money to fund bombs, well, pacemaker bombs.

The cases moves in many confusing directions.

We learn that McGee didn't want the job and decided against taking it, and wants to continue on the team in his current position because he thinks it's the best.

Torres is not convinced, but nobody knows what way the team will go.

Parker seems to be there for now, but there's no telling how long he'll want to stick around. He is happy, but he knows there's animosity toward him.

That propels his story forward, leading to questions about what the team will look like in the coming episodes.


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NCIS Season 19 Episode 5 Quotes

Parker: I'm sure you'll all be happy to hear that I have decided not to take Director Vance up on his offer to join your team. And, I'm guessing that's the first you've heard of it.
Vance: I was waiting on Agent McGee to return before I filled them in, and you're early.
Parker: Oops. Sidebar? I appreciate the offer, Director, but I'm not ready to jump into anything new just yet.
Vance: Perhaps you'd like to spend some time in the field with the team before you make your final decision?
Parker: I already made it. Plus, I got tickets to a Simon and Garfunkel reunion concert later today, and I've been waiting a long time for that baby, so.
Jimmy: Hey, why are you guys standing around here. Haven't you heard?
McGee: Whoa. What's up?
Jimmy: A Navy petty officer turned into a zombie.
Torres: A zombie?
Jimmy: Yeah, crawled all over the ground and everything. You didn't get the call?
Parker: That kind of thing happen a lot around here?
McGee: First for me.

Torres: Hey, Tim. You said that Gibbs was happy. What do you mean?
McGee: I don't want to talk about it.
Torres: You can't leave me hanging, bro.
McGee: I'm sorry. It felt kind of private.
Torres: Is he going to be okay?
McGee: I think he probably hasn't been this OK in a long time.
Torres: What about that guy? Can you believe Director Vance offered him Gibb's job already?