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  • flashback to young Max sitting outside his sister's hospital room while she dies.
  • Ms. Salanco: If I die, who will take care of my son?
  • Max gives a speech about why he became a docotor and announces that his mission at New Amsterdam is done and he'll be moving to Geneva to work on global health policy.
  • A new medical director arrives and she's fun and quirky.
  • A woman comes in with her kid. She has fluid on her lungs and is sick but doesn't have any insurance. Lauren treats her.
  • The patient says her son stopped speaking when he got to America.
  • They figure out that the woman has HLH. They have never treated it succesffful and know that the only person who has is Max, so it interrupts his Mermade Parade day he promised Luna to help.
  • Flashes back to 2008 to Lauren when she was into stocks and made lots of money. She gives momey to an unhoused man who later collapses and she cries when she realizes that she doesn't know how to help him and he dies. It's what inspired her to be a doctor.
  • Lauren takes Demi, the young boy to Iggy because of his selective mutism. They fled the Ukraine.
  • The new medical director repeats Max's first introduction where she speaks the same language as the staff talking about her.
  • Max figures out what's wrong with Illuya and that she's had this issue for a year. He imagines it'll take 53 doctors to treat her.
  • Flashback to when Floyd was a young boy and  his parents were arguing. He glues the dish is father broke back tkogethe rpainstakingly after seeing his mother crying.
  • Floyd intends to fix the mom's aortic valve while the heart is still beating to get more room in play for everyone else
  • Luna is angry that Max is helping someone else and backtracking on his promise again.
  • The mother starts bottoming out and instead of the next day, they have to do the surgery now.
  • Iggy works on the farm but has to constantly listen to his parents and family air out their grievances and tell him all their problems.
  • His brother finally tells him after he blows up that he's great at listening.
  • All the doctors including some from the past perform this extensive surgery on the mom over half the day
  • Floyd realizes the plan they have won't work.
  • The new medical doctor is still searching for everyone She sets a meeting at six pm
  • Max encourages Floyd to take one final shot with this surgery and he succeeds at it before she starts crashing.
  • Young wilder dresses up as Dr. Ross from ER but some girls bully her and make her feel like she can't be a doctor. She's determined.
  • Wilder finds what cause her to code and saves her. The surgery was a complete success and she's alive.
  • Demi sees his mother and finally speaks.
  • Vanessa shows up at NA and sits next to Lauren.
  • Floyd has dinner with his family including Horace and Gabrielle.
  • Martin and Iggy get married again with Gladys officiating and their kids there.
  • Max talks to Wilder. He tells her that he has to start making Luna the center of his world so he has made the right decision. It seems like a pause on their relationship with an open door.
  • He gets Luna and they leave New Amsterdam with her watching everyone around her as he walks out.
  • The new medical director talks to the roomful of doctors.She discusses when she wanted to be a doctor, states that her mother died in New amsterdam and her father made it his life. Described that day as the day she wanted to be a doctor just like him. She's Luna Goodwin, and she asks how she can help.
New Amsterdam
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New Amsterdam Season 5 Episode 13 Quotes

And from that moment, because of those words, I knew I was going to be a doctor, and, um, I share this with you now, not just so you can imagine me as an adorable little five-year-old, but because I want you to remember when that moment was for you. When you knew this was your calling because this job can wear you down even on the best days, it takes a toll on your heart. If you find yourself in a tough moment feeling like all is lost, feeling what you do doesn't matter, I want you to remember why you became a doctor in the first plate and let that moment be your north star. I never imagined I would be saying goodbye to this hospital to this incredible group of people, but I think I did what I came here to do, which is to make New Amsterdam a place of hope for those who need it most and now the time has come for new challenges.

Adult Max

Doctor: What's your name, son?
Young Max: Maximus Leonard Goodwin.
Doctor: That's a nice name. Think I can call you Max? How can I help?