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Maritiza shows her smarts by coming up with a plan to smuggle the Latin panties out of Litchfield. In flashbacks, we see how she worked her way from small cons at her bar tending gig to grand theft auto. She tackles every obstacle on the fly in both situations. When Ruiz's cousin is caught by the guard's houses, she makes up a story about him being the gardener, but unbeknownst to her, one of the guards speaks Spanish and overhears her telling the cousin to go along with whatever she says.

Caputo and Linda head to Baltimore for a prison convention, filled to the brim with vendors hawking the latest in cost saving measures and riot suppression gear. Linda is excited about being on a panel, but Danny ends up interrupting her session, leading to both him and Caputo being "arrested" by hotel security. Caputo meets the "face of American prisons" and develops a case of idolatry. He still doesn't see the disconnect between the cost saving measures his girl friend is putting in place and the decline in prisoner quality of life. Taystee takes advantage of Caputo's absence to surf the internet. After finding drone pictures of Judy King in a magazine, she starts to research how to sell celebrity photos.

After fights break out and graffiti is found, Piscatella is on alert about possibly gangs forming. Piper takes advantage of this paranoia by subtly implicating the Dominicans. Piscatella initiates a stop and frisk program on the latinas, when turns up a weapon on one of Ruiz's girls, and gets Gloria upset about civil liberties violations. When Piper takes Piscatella up on appointing her to head up a "task force," she inadvertently creates a white pride gang. 

Crazy Eye's and Lorna try to solve the mystery of the shower pooper.

Allison has a secret cell phone hidden in her hijab.

Orange is the New Black
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Orange is the New Black Season 4 Episode 5 Quotes

One year, we got these little toy jail cells to put your candy in when you're on a diet. And then...yeah, another year, we got these Nerf-style guard batons. And so, anytime anyone said something stupid at a staff meeting, we would just whale on them. Until the incident with Greg's eye, but...


One time, I ran outta tampons, so I used on of those, um, dinosaur just-add-water sponges for kids. It was really fun! 'Cause it was like, "Ooh, I wonder what this will be? Oh! Brontosaurus Rex!"
