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Ghost spends the night at Angela's and the next morning he follows her on her run. He sees her meet up with Greg and determines that Greg works for the FBI. 

Ghost meets with Stern, who informs him that he wants to own Truth outright and make it part of his brand. Ghost agrees to this if there is an agreement that in the future Ghost will be able to buy him out. The two agree to a deal, however, later it is revealed that Stern has hired Kantos as the new general manager, in hopes that he will keep Ghost from ever being able to buy him out. 

Tommy tells Ghost all about the night he killed Nomar and the two discuss the possibility that Ruiz may have set them up. Ghost looks through files at Angela's house and determines that she doesn't know that they're involved with Lobos and the drug business. 

Tommy talks to Ruiz about him making nice with the RSK's so they can move the rest of their product, while Ghost talks to Drifty in Jersey and gets him on board as well. 

With Holly home from the hospital, Ghost asks Tommy to lie about what happened the night of the shooting, which he does. Later, Holly listens to Tommy's voicemails from that night and deduces that he's lying. He in turn tells her the truth about the shooting. 

Greg and Sandoval bring in Anibal's brother, Cristobal, and try to turn him. They also ask him if he knows Ghost, which he denies. He later tells Julio that his crew will be looking for a new distributor. 

Kanan makes his presence known to Ghost and Tommy, who throw him a lavish homecoming party. While Tommy seems eager to bring Kanan back in to the fold, Ghost is more cautious. Kanan also kills red sneaker's accomplice. 

Stern sends Ghost to Miami and he brings Angela along with him. 

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Power Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Ghost: So, if I have your number cash, you're telling me you'll sell your stake back to me, no bullshit?
Simon Stern: No bullshit.
Ghost: How come I don't believe you?
Simon Stern: I think it's a cultural thing.

It's the partnership you always wanted, except technically, I would be in charge.

Simon Stern [to Ghost]