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Tasha wakes up alone in a snowy New York and has a frank conversation with her son about her father and his absence. 

In Miami, Ghost and Angela wake up together and toast to their happiness. 

Tommy fills Kanan in on the business and takes him to the laundry mat. Later, Julio informs them that the Tianos are out of the drug business and that he knows where red sneakers is in Miami. Kanan then promptly calls Dre and sends him down there to get to her before Ghost can. 

While out on the Miami streets, Ghost sends Angela to get some food and sets his eyes on red sneakers. Later at the beach, Greg calls Angela and admonishes her for using his name to listen to the Ruiz tapes. Angela tells Greg to see if they can identify Tommy's car as being at the house the day the recording took place. 

At home, Kanan warns Shawn about getting too close to Tasha. He later flirts with Keisha, much to Tasha's dismay, and shares a kiss with her. 

Kanan goes with Tommy to visit Q-Dubs and get him to make nice with Ruiz. Q-Dubs refuses and insults them, leading Kanan to kill him. 

After getting confirmation that Tommy was at Ruiz's, Angela tells Ghost what she does for a living and tells him she is going to put Tommy in jail. Ghost denies knowing anything about Tommy and his connection to the drug business. 

At dinner the next night, Ghost spots red sneakers in the restaurant. She bolts and Ghost follows her. She runs into Dre in an alley and he stabs her. Ghost finds her before she dies and she tells him that Rolla wasn't the person who hired her. 

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Power Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

Tommy: This is where we clean our money. So we can pay our rent and shit.
Kanan: Clean the money, huh? Sound like some Ghost shit. Ghost trying to look like a goddamn citizen.

To us, finally making it to Miami. Finally waking up together for the first time.

Angela [to Ghost]