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Malcolm talks to Paul on the phone from his father's office. Paul tells him to stop interrupting his work. He knows that Malcolm works for the cops. He also implies that they have a history together.

The police come to the Whitly home to investigate. Dani and JT crack jokes about where Malcolm grew up, and Gil offers some comfort to Jessica.

They put a car outside for her without her knowing it since she refuses to leave the house.

Malcolm thinks Paul is a mission-oriented killer on their hands. Edrisa's findings lead Malcolm to go back to the junkyard to investigate.

He does and finds another victim in a wagon buried underground. They rescue him and take the man to the hospital.

Malcolm goes to a church where other victims went. He and Dani speak to a priest who is troubled by all of this news.

In the meantime, Ainsley is at the hospital going over footage of her interview with Martin while Jin recovers. She calls Malcolm when she sees cops posted outside of a room.

A courier delivers a box to the station that has a hand in it and they find out it belongs to the priest.

The phone that has been redirected to the station rings and Malcolm talks to Paul again. He's mad about the victim Malcolm found and he wants Malcolm to stay out of his way. He still suggests that Malcolm has done bad things and mentions the girl in the box.

Malcolm needs air after the confirmation that the girl in the box was real. Gil comes out to check in with him, and Malcolm decides to go for a walk. He sees Paul and follows him.

Paul leads him down a dark tunnel and squeezes him crushing his ribs while talking to him and warning him to stay away.

Gil chastises Malcolm when he tells him about it later.

At home, Eve stops by to speak to Malcolm after she popped in to see Jessica after Jessica canceled their plans and saw her with a gun paranoid.

Eve appears to be looking around Malcolm's apartment and seems to be suspicious or suggesting something.

Paul wants to meet up with Malcolm and he agrees. He goes to the site to speak to him, but Paul misled him. He's not there. He only distracted Malcolm with the priest and the bracelet that belonged to the girl in the box.

Paul went to the hospital to finish his mission of killing his victim.

Malcolm calls Ainsley who investigates against his wishes and finds the victim dead and sees Paul. She runs and hides and Paul tries to get at her but the police arrive so he leaves.

Jin breaks up with Ainsley when he realizes that she filmed his surgery and wants to air it in the interview segment. She doesn't care about him as much as her stories.

Malcolm is upset because of Paul's getaway. Gil promises to find the girl inthe box since he was one of the people who dismissed her existence before.

Ainsley reports about Paul, so now his rep as a serial killer is out there and people are going to panic. Malcolm talks to Jessica about the gun she had. He tells her he had police out there watching her. She explains why she wouldn't leave the house that has been in her family for generations. She talks about their family and past.

Gil calls to tell Malcolm that the Feds have taken over the case and that they are all kicked off of it especially Malcolm.


Prodigal Son
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Prodigal Son Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Peter: Better if you leave me alone.
Malcolm: You know I can't do that.
Paul: That's not want I wanted to hear.

Paul: Why were you delivered to me, Malcolm? To help me, or to stop me? 
Malcolm: I just want to talk.
Paul: No, you're a cop. You just want to catch me.