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Seeking an escape from a life full of lies, Rachel Kauffman goes into Reverie for a James Bond-type adventure. Her mission is to find the scientist Vater and stop him before he sells a bioweapon to the highest bidder. Mara is seeing her late niece Brynn as a side effect of Reverie. Rachel gets moved to the medical wing, as her symptoms reveal that she may have a heart condition. With no idea about Rachel's program, Mara enters Reverie and finds Rachel at a casino. Two men escort Rachel away at gunpoint. Mara distracts them, and Rachel knocks them out with a fire extinguisher. Rachel doesn't believe Mara about her heart. She refuses to leave the program. Mara tells Paul about the digital character interacting with her. He explains that Reverie is recognizing her. Dylan gives Mara the details for Anton, the most frequent visitor on Rachel's social media. Anton tells Mara Rachel changed after cleaning out the house of her late aunt, who raised her. Charlie sends Paul to talk with Mara about the derealization effect caused by Reverie 2.0, which leaves ghost images of people important to the user. Paul tells Mara it will pass. Rachel goes into heart arrhymthia, and Mara has to go back in. She joins Rachel on a yacht, then shoots the four armed thugs onboard. Rachel forces Mara off the boat at gunpoint. Mara meets Monica. Mara figures out Vater means father in German. So Rachel is trying to find her father, who she's never met. Mara asks Charlie to find Rachel's father. In her Reverie, Rachel finds Vater, but the digital construct has no answers for her. Charlie finds a man who knows Rachel's father, and gives her the father's number.  Dylan was Alexis' twin brother. Rachel meets her father and his family.

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Reverie Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Mara: Why did we stop walking?
Charlie: This is your office.

Did you see that? That was amazing! So real! This is insanely cool!

Rachel [to Keystone]