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Olivia and Abby go after Hollis Doyle, but finding dirt on him is a hard task. 

Rowan asks to meet Abby and he presents her with the shock revelation that Olivia aborted Fitz' baby and gave her evidence to wipe Mellie out of the equation. 

The team managed to take down Hollis after Olivia recorded him ranting and raving about his views on America. Sally Langston made a mockery of him on live TV and just like that, his campaign was over. 

Olivia went to see Edison about pausing his campaign and offering her help in the next one. Edison went on a rant about Hollis that blew his campaign up. 

Rowan went to see him and Jake attempted to rough him up, but when Rowan wasn't listening he told Edison that he wanted out and to tell Olivia he needed help. 

Olivia gets dirt on Susan and the two parties meet at the white house to lay all the dirt out. Abby makes up her dirt so not to embarrasss Liv and Susan quits the race, worried about what the public think of her. 

Mellie is left as the last one standing and her chemistry with Marcus went off the charts. 

Abby informed Olivia about what the information she had on her was. Olivia told her that she hasn't told Fitz.

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Scandal Season 5 Episode 20 Quotes

Susan: Ask me like a normal person.
David: Susan... will you marry me?

Cyrus I'm not fighting my father because there's no way to win.
