Scandal Season 5 Episode 20 Review: Trump Card

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He's not done with you.

That was the statement that escaped Abby's mouth on Scandal Season 5 Episode 20 as she made it clear to Olivia that Rowan is far from done with her. 

Rowan really is one of the most despicable characters on television. He's power hungry and doesn't care who he takes down in his quest for power. 

Rekindling Their Romance - Scandal

It's time for his reign of terror to come to an end. I can't be the only one that feels this way. Hopefully we finally say goodbye to him on Scandal Season 5 Episode 21, so the show can get that reset it has needed for quite some time. 

Kerry Washington's pregnancy is going to change things in a big way for Scandal Season 6. For a start, it's going to run 16 episodes. Then there's a good chance it won't be returning until mid-season. 

I'm totally on board with that because it will eliminate the filler episodes and give Shonda and her team time to work some magic to reinvigorate the series. 

Back to the crazy drama that was almost too fast paced to give my full attention. Do you ever get that way that too many twists in one hour can make you think you're imagining things?

The candidates were dropping like flies. It was great. Hollis was a fun character who loved to be controversial, but he had to go. 

If he stayed in the race much longer, his character would have gone stale, but I don't think we've seen the last of him. He'll find a way to get back in good graces with the public soon enough. 

However, he needs to have a brain when he comes back. It was very obvious that Olivia was up to something, so it was silly of him to speak the way he did in front of her. 

Why he never had her checked when she met him is beyond me. He has no common sense whatsoever. 

That huge rant from Edison was great and all, but it sure seemed like he had signed his life away. As if Rowan was going to take kindly to Edison blowing his place up like that. 

When Rowan walked out of Edison's office, I was so sure that Jake was staying behind to end the dude's life. You can only imagine the surprise when Jake confirmed to Edison that he wants out and needs Olivia's help. 

All of this does make me think we could be losing Jake on the season finale. I know he had that fake death before, but I feel like this one will ring very true. 

If Rowan's on the way out, he'll take Jake with him because he knows how Olivia really feels. 

One of the bigger shocks of the night was that Abby never used the dirt on Olivia. I was certain she would, but it shows just how far she and Abby have come along from their petty arguments. 

Rowan: Ask yourself a simple question: What would Olivia Pope do?

There's no denying that it would have affected a lot more people than just Olivia, but props to Abby for keeping some integrity. 

If the tables were turned, Olivia would most likely have used it against Abby. Olivia is like her father. She doesn't like losing and will go to any lengths necessary in order to win. 

We're left in a very interesting position as we approach the final hour of Scandal Season 5. With Mellie's random success, anything can happen. There's a lot at stake for pretty much everyone in "That's My Girl," but hopefully most of them make it out the other end. 

"Trump Card" was a wild hour of TV. There were some questionable moments, but for the most part, it was an enjoyable affair. 

Other tidbits from the episode:

  • Susan is such a fantastic character and it must have been very hurtful for her to have to drop out of the race. I'm very happy that she finally kicked David to the curb. He's a snake and always will be. 
  • The scene with Hollis' verbal tear down by Sally was gold. Sally can easily turn against someone she doesn't like and that was such an entertaining scene to watch.
  • Is anyone else loving the dynamic between Marcus and Mellie? 
  • Cyrus asking for Olivia's help was horrible. These two need to stop talking to one another.

What did you think of the penultimate episode? Are you over Rowan Pope? Hit the comments below!

Remember you can watch Scandal online right here on TV Fanatic. Get caught up now!

Note: Scandal Season 5 Episode 21 airs Thursday May 12 at 9/8C on ABC

Trump Card Review

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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Scandal Season 5 Episode 20 Quotes

Susan: Ask me like a normal person.
David: Susan... will you marry me?

Cyrus I'm not fighting my father because there's no way to win.
