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Olivia and Mellie decide it's time to make a peace treaty with Bashran, so they invite Rashad to a state dinner, but he is anything but polite. 

He is mad that Olivia and her people tried to spy on his city and that they were trying to do it behind his back. He called Olivia the devil for what he did to the ambassador. 

Olivia and Jake found out his niece was attending a college in the U.S. under false details and Olivia attempted to blackmail him, but he did not take the bait. 

Huck then realized a man at the dinner was an assassin and that he was trying to kill Rashad, so Olivia and everyone saved him. 

Meanwhile, Cyrus was romanced by a new man, but they quickly argued when Cyrus flipped out about him sitting in Mellie's chair in the oval. 

Quinn and her team tried to make contacts at the party, and it caused a rift between Olivia and them because she wanted them away from the event. 

Later, Charlie tried to dump Quinn when he said he would never be good for her, and Quinn slapped him. 

Olivia and Curtis went to her place to hook up and found out that Fitz was waiting for her. 

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