Watch Sleepy Hollow Season 2 Episode 11 online to find out if Moloch will finally bring about the end of days. Ichabod and Abbie are in possession of the Sword of Methuselah. Will they wield it against the demon?

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Watch Sleepy Hollow Season 2 Episode 11 online right now and right here via TV Fanatic. We offer an array of options, all of which will allow you to learn if Ichabod and Abbie use the Sword of Methuselah against Moloch. Our story picks up right where we left off. Ichabod and Abbie are on their way to Fredericks Manor to face Moloch and his minions. Unfortunately, an apocalyptic thunderstorm stalls them by shorting out their vehicle's electrical system. This forces our dynamic duo to hop on a motorcycle. "If ever there were justification to commandeer a vehicle the apocalypse would be it" Ichabod tells his partner. When they arrive at Fredericks Manor, our heroes find the house abandoned. Ichabod and Abbie come across Henry's miniature city model and realize the locations he's attacked form a pentagram. Ichabod hear Katrina scream out and finds the Headless Horseman preparing to perform the binding ritual. Using the Sword of Methuselah, Ichabod manages to subdue the Horseman. Katrina extends the power of her necklace's enchantment so everyone can see Abraham. He warns them that using the sword comes at a price. The life of anybody who wields it. Armed with this new information, it's decided that only Captain Irving can use the sword as his soul already belongs to the Horseman of War. Frank doesn't have much of a choice, his soul is compromised either way. Upon interrogating Abraham the team learns Moloch and Henry are at the four white trees. Before confronting the demon our heroes must arm themselves, they seek Hawley's assistance. Hawley is left in charge of watching over the Horseman. On their way to the four trees our Scooby gang is attacked by Moloch's demon army and the Horseman of War. Everyone fights admirably and Captain Irving takes down the Horseman of War using Methuselah's sword. However, he is mortally wounded in the fight. Henry warns Moloch he is now vulnerable, but the demon doesn't share his concern. He orders his servant to bring his mother to him. By killing the witch the final tree will burn leading to the end of days. Henry does as he's told, but when Moloch makes it painfully clear neither Abraham nor he means a thing to him he strikes the demon down.

Episode Details

On Sleepy Hollow Season 2 Episode 11, Ichabod and Abbie prepare to face Moloch as the demon ushers in the end of days.

Rating: 4.8 / 5.0 (32 Votes)
Sleepy Hollow
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Sleepy Hollow Season 2 Episode 11 Quotes

Abbie: A motorcycle, no electronics just good old fashioned machinery.
Ichabod: If ever there were justification to commandeer a vehicle; the apocalypse would be it.

Abraham: All magic has a cost.
Katrina: What are you saying?
Abraham: The sword requires a sacrifice. The life of anybody who wields it.
Abbie: You're lying
Abraham: The moment a man uses the sword to kill his soul and hence his life will be taken with it.