Monitoring Lisa - Still Up
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Lisa checks into a sleep clinic for the night. After Veggie drops her off, she’s on the phone with Danny.

Danny is watching Adam’s giant dog, Daisy. Daisy doesn’t like to be left alone, so she sticks close to Danny.

Danny is preparing notes for an interview he has the next day for a job with Rolling Stone magazine. When Daisy hears a cat outside the window, she barks and runs. Danny gets up to calm her down, but Daisy runs around the apartment and over his laptop, deleting all his notes.

At the sleep clinic, Lisa lies and says she doesn’t have her phone on her when she does. Lisa finally gets to sleep, but her phone wakes her up. It’s Danny. He’s freaking out because the dog deleted all his interview notes.

Lisa sneaks off to the bathroom to talk to Danny, but she’s in there so long that the staff comes to find her. While Danny tries to coax Daisy out from under the bed with an omelet, he tells Lisa that if he gets the job for Rolling Stone, he’ll have to move to Los Angeles.

Back in bed, Lisa hides under the covers and calls Danny again. She worries that if he moves to Los Angeles, they won’t be able to talk all night since LA is eight hours behind London.

Danny has a “Beating Agoraphobia” pamphlet on his desk. He then tells Lisa that Chloe is in Los Angeles and that they are both at fault for their breakup. Lisa can’t believe he still defends a woman who cheated on him with three different guys. It turns out that Danny only knew she cheated with one guy, not three. Lisa learned it from a chat in a What’s App group.

Danny feels like an idiot and says he has to go. That’s when the Sleep Clinic staff finds Lisa with her phone and confiscates it. But Lisa can’t sleep after the way her conversation ended with Danny. She sneaks back down to the office to find her phone.

She finds it but runs into Clyde, another patient who is sleepwalking. He drags Lisa to the emergency door, and when he opens it, the alarms go off, and all of the patients are awakened.

Lisa is banned from the sleep clinic for life.

The executives from Rolling Stone try to reach Danny for their Zoom interview, but Danny is asleep on his sofa.


Still Up
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Still Up Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Veggie: I’ll miss you.
Lisa: Of course you will because I’m amazing.

Veggie: When I want to relax, I just shut my eyes and imagine I’m in a nice, hot bath.
Lisa: I hate baths. You just lie there in your own filth like a hippo.
Veggie: That’s why every time I have a bath, I always have a shower afterward.
Lisa: That’s ridiculous. That’s just doubling the time it takes to wash. Why not just have a shower?
Veggie: Because I like having a bath and sitting in my filth like a hippo.
Lisa: No wonder there’s no hot water left for me in the morning.