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Brainy breaks Winn, from another Earth, out of jail, after ordered to do so by Lex.

Winn was arrested after trying to avenge his father's death, the Toyman.

Lena is having problems with Q waves as they are a bit different after Crisis.

Lex threatens to kill William if Kara doesn't stop him from investigating him.

Winn returns from the future and stops the other Winn from killing Chester Dunholtz at the National City Toy Convention.

Winn has a wife, Ayla, and a daughter, Mary, in the future. He is being hunted by the time police for killing Chester.

Lena apologizes to Andrea and tells her that she knows about Leviathan. Andrea tells her that Leviathan has not been in contact with her all these years.

J'onn creates The Tower, a secret headquarters for Team Supergirl.

J'onn gives Winn his memories of the old Earth back,

Toyman live streams and tells his story to gain followers.

Andrea wants Kara to write an exclusive about Winn.

Winn is friends with Nura Nal in the future, a leggionarre and Nia's descendant.

Nia uses her powers to try to find Toyman, but she sees Brainy turning into a tiger and attack her.

Winn's Legion ring gives him powers that are like Dreamer's.

They figure out that the Rojas' had something to do with the other Winn's father's death.

Lex boards Winn's Legion ship and finds information about Leviathan from the memory cube.

Toyman attacks Andrea at an event for Obsidian, but Supergirl and the rest of team shows up to thwart his plan.

Toyman triggers a bomb and Winn shields himself from the blast using his powers. Toyman dies.

Winn is no longer a wanted man in the future.

Kara proposes investigating Lex together with William. William shows her that he followed Lex to the hangar where the Legion ship was.

Brainy tells Winn that he is working with Lex Luthor. Winn forgives him for bringing him back from the future.

Lex shows Lena the memory cube. It shows her Q waves.

A remnant from Toyman turns on.

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Supergirl Season 5 Episode 11 Quotes

J'onn: In the wake of Crisis, Kara, Kal-El, Barry, Kate, we established a headquarters from which to fight crime.
Winn: Oh, in the future they call it a Hall of Justice.
Kara: I like that.

Have a nice day. Kara Danvers is Supergirl.
