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During the floor meeting, Glenn acknowledges Amy's absence. 

Eventually, Glenn leaves from the fear of stress, but not before announcing they are looking for a new supervisor. Dina takes over.

Mateo comes to Glenn's office, and Glenn starts delegating some executive decisions.

Garrett sees Tony, Sandra and Jerry's adopted son. Tony asks Garrett to open the condom case. Garrett tells Sandra, and Sandra asks Garrett to have the sex talk with Tony.

Jonah tells Glenn and Dina he is interested in being floor supervisor. Dina does not like the idea, and she argues with Glenn.

Dina suggests to Cheyenne that she should apply for floor supervisor. Dina tells Glenn, and they argue again.

Glenn decides they will elect the new floor supervisor.

Jonah starts campaigning. Dina and Cheyenne spread false rumors about Jonah, and Cheyenne starts promising things to get employees to vote for her.

Tony and Garrett talk. Tony asks Garrett about being in love.

Mateo starts over-exercising his authority by denying Carol a day off.

Jonah finds out Dina and Cheyenne are spreading lies about him, and he gets upset.

Garrett tells Sandra that Tony asked him about love. Sandra suggests Garrett has never been in love before.

Dina and Cheyenne make false accusations about Jonah. 

Carol asks Glenn about his "fight" with Jerusha, the reason Mateo said Carol could not leave.

Everyone is still arguing over Jonah's old photo. Marcus brings up cancel culture.

Cheyenne and Jonah suggest they debate each other. Dina does not like this idea, and Cheyenne realizes Dina only used her to have a floor supervisor she could push around.

Cheyenne gives a speech unintentionally about why she would be a good floor supervisor.

Dina apologizes to Cheyenne, and then she starts campaigning for Marcus.

Garrett and Tony talk again. Garrett admits he has never been in a serious relationship, hinting that he may still have unresolved feelings for Dina.

The employees vote for the new floor supervisor, and Cheyenne wins. Jonah is happy for Cheyenne and jokingly suggests a recount. 

The episode ends with Mateo recounting the votes in front of everyone.

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Superstore Season 6 Episode 3 Quotes

Cheyenne: Just so you know, I would be a great floor supervisor, okay? I've been here forever, I get along with everybody, and I know who's boned who and who can't work together. And I do have good ideas. For instance, I think we should stagger our shift start times so we're not all clocking in at once. And at checkout, we should have go-back carts for each department. And every zone captain should have a walkie-talkie!
Jonah: I actually said the same... never mind, I respect women. I don't interrupt them.
Cheyenne: Honestly, people shouldn't vote for me just because Jonah's some boob-crazed white guy, okay? People should vote for me because I would be fucking awesome.

Dina: So, Jonah wants to be the new floor supervisor.
Cheyenne: Oh, cool.
Dina: Yeah, I guess I just hoped that someone else would throw their hat in the ring, you know? Someone chill, someone who isn't a white male that reeks of privilege.
Cheyenne: Yeah, but it's hard, though, right? 'Cause of like, systemic stuff.
Dina: Mhmm, true dat, true dat.