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Chris Soules takes the women to Iowa on The Bachelor Season 19 Episode 8. After eliminating both Ashley and Kelsey during the two-on-one date, Chris Soules decides not to eliminate any of the remaining six women and instead opts to take all of them to his home state, Iowa.

Jade gets a special one on one date with Chris in his hometown, Arlington, Iowa. After showing her main street and telling her there are very few local businesses remaining, he takes her to a high school football game where she's introduced to his parents. Jade has a big secret she's working up the courage to tell Chris but decides that the moment isn't right.

Whitney gets the second one on one date of the week and she and Chris spend their time wandering around Des Moines taking pictures of their love story after drawing inspiration from an art exhibit. Later that night, three of Chris' best friends meet up with them for drinks and Whitney impresses both Chris and his friends with her answers to their questions. Chris surprises her with a mural of one of their photos painted on the side of a building in Des Moines. 

While Whitney was on her date, Carly, Becca, Kaitlyn, and Britt decide to drive to Arlington to see Chris Soules' hometown for themselves. None of them are overly impressed with its lack of, well, everything, but Britt's impression is most peculiar. She tells two of the girls there's no way she could see herself living there and later says the sunset she watched on the way back made her change her mind. 

On the group date, Britt tells Chris about their road trip and says that she could absolutely see herself living there. Carly sets him straight and says that because she cares about him, what she wants for him most of all is not to see him end up with someone who will leave him. Then she tells him what Britt said. 

Later that night, Chris asks Britt about it and she admits that yes, she initially had a hard time with the idea, but she likes to reinvent herself and sees that lifestyle as a fun new one to try. Kaitlyn tells Chris she's struggling with their lack of time together and he gives her the date rose. Britt explodes feeling like he's given her validation to someone else.

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