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Picking up right where last week left off, Taylor and Corinne are still fighting about who is more mature before the rose ceremony. They both think they are smarter than the other, and Corinne goes to Nick to tell him that Taylor is rude. The conflict between the two of them is not resolved until later in the episode when they go on the two-on-one date.

Rachel goes on the one-on-one date with Nick, and they bond over their families. They explore New Orleans together and she gets the rose. It is clear that they have a connection.

The group date rose is in a haunted house, and they try to find and connect with a spirit named Mae. All of the girls are initially super scared, but after the Ouija board and exploring the property, they are more comfortable talking to and about Mae.  Danielle L. gets the group date rose, even though Raven tells Nick that she is in love with him.

On the two-on-one date, Nick takes Corinne and Taylor to the Bayou to see a voodoo priestess. Corinne and Taylor both tell Nick about their fight, and he has to make a decision between the two of them. He gives Corinne the rose, but at their dinner date, Taylor shows up and demands to tell Nick what really happened between her and Corinne. The episode is to be continued. 

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The Bachelor Season 21 Episode 5 Quotes

She thinks she's entitled to whatever she thinks she's entitled to.


What does that say about your emotional intelligence, bitch?
