Ready to Go - The Blacklist Redemption Season 1 Episode 2
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Kevin gets something out of a toilet and then puts it into a woman's apartment. He leaves his apartment and is on the phone. He's being followed. The guys chase him down and he's taken prisoner. Kevin Jansen is a journalist.

Commander Bahar is questioning him. They believe he's an operative for the CIA.

Scottie visits Kevin's mom. Kevin is being charged with espionage. 

At HQ, Dumont is giving the gang prep material about Jensen and the country he's being held at.

Scottie is being told to stand down from someone high up. 

Kevin is being interrogated and told to read a statement in front of a camera.

Scottie is watching the video on her computer, then switches to a video of Christopher. She meets with the team to discuss extracting Kevin and they work on a plan.

Tom tries to deliver a truck to Armenia, but is busted. he takes off before the cops catch him. He loses all the weapons. Scottie tells Tom to meet with a man to help them get weapons.

Tom goes to a club to meet with the guy. In exchange, the guy wants a record and tour deal for his daughter. Tom is listening to the girl. he is not impressed. Afterwards. he takes him to the weapons. He's only got two rifles.Solomon and Nez are there too.

Tom comes up with a plan to get into the prison. They get into the prison wit the other police who are there to arrest the warden. Tom finds Jensen and gets him out of his cell.

Tom and Solomon are trying to get out of the prison. Nez moves to where thy might come out. Dumont is guiding them out, but they need help. They are being hunted by the other cops. Solomon and Tom end up in a shootout. Nez decides to just tear the door off with the car and the guys get out.

Scottie tells Kevin's mom that he's safe. Scottie gets a call from the chief of staff about the incident. She asks for help to get her people out.

The team is in a safehouse waiting for word from Scottie. Kevin wants his laptop, but Nez nixes it. Kevin escapes to get his laptop.

The team looks for Kevin who went to the woman's apartment to retrieve his laptop. Tom catches him. The entire team follows Kevin to escape from the police. They take a car from a woman and drive off, police chasing them. 

They are heading to the Embassy.There is a roadblock, but Nez drives through it. Gunfire continues. Kevin got shot, but Tom and the team take him through to the embassy. Tom returns to the car to get the laptop. When he gets back, he sees that Kevin has died and he tries to resuscitate him, but it's no use. Kevin is dead.

The entire team is upset. Solomon pushes Tom away. Tries to calm him down. Tom is taking it personally. This was his childhood friend (according to Scottie.) 

Scottie gets the call that Kevin died. She's upset and cries. The team is flown back to New York. Tom and Scottie meet with the chief of staff and other people to talk about Kevin.  They tell them that Kevin was a hero and thank Tom for bringing the laptop back. Tom wants the people to let his family know he was a hero, but the people say no. They tell Scottie to lie to Kevin's mom. She does. She tells the team she didn't tell the truth to Kevin's mom. 

Scottie watches a video of Christopher at Kevin's birthday party.







The Blacklist: Redemption
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The Blacklist: Redemption Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Commander Bahar: Your denials are an insult. There will be no mercy. In time you will be executed for your crimes.
Kevin: I said what you wanted me to say.
Bahar: You said what you are, not because I wanted you to, but because this is the truth.

Kevin's not my child, but if I leave him there he'll die. Diplomacy won't save him. he'll be executed and we won't know until it's over.
