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Weecha explains to Red that Mierce left because he'd become a different man due to his obsession with finding Liz's killer. Raymond tells Harold about Genuine Models Inc.'s connection to an ambassador's recent murder. Lew informs Harold that the dead bartender's friend is hiding in Atlanta. Reddington's madam friend Fredrica has heard nothing about Genuine Models. She gives Ressler and Aram the name of Congressman Matt Spate, who just cut ties with her agency. Red runs into former lover Cassandra Bianchi at a funeral. Weecha spots Matilda David, widow of the deceased, who is wearing the ruby necklace about which Raymond and Cassandra were reminiscing. Spate is found strangled. Reddington brings Matilda a chicken pot pie. Cassandra is already visiting. They're both after the necklace. The bartender's friend says that a detective made him dose Harold's drink. Chef Billy Burton is the next Genuine Models client. Harold runs Detective Heber in Atlanta. Aram and Park interrupt Burton's murder. The Genuine Models prostitute is a Chrissie sex robot. The two dead men had purchased such a robot as well. Matilda catches Red and Cassandra and they have to tell her the truth about Barney. Aram decides that the Chrissies have been hacked. He tracks the hacker but the model's mike tips him off. The hacker, Gordon Graham, and his robot are gone by the time the Task Force arrives. Raymond retrieves Peter Finchy, Barney's partner who he had exiled at Barney's request. Finchy says Matilda was the devious one, not Barney. Graham treats his Chrissie like a real person. There is a tracker in the robot. Graham gets caught in a roadblock and drives off a cliff. Matilda poisoned Barney after he decided to divorce her. Reddington banishes her and takes the necklace, which he gives to Cassandra. 

The Blacklist
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The Blacklist Season 9 Episode 13 Quotes

Weecha: And what business is that?
Cassandra: I take things that aren't mine.

Red: Mierce is able to read me. Are you able to read her?
Weecha: I don't.
Red: Don't or can't?