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Jane and Ben are having sex when their condom breaks, and end up having to get Plan B. Jane is suffering from the effects of taking it when she decides to check in with her doctor who tells her she needs to start thinking about having kids now. She decides to write a piece about young mothers but can figure out what to write or how she feels.

Eventually, Jane realizes that most of this worry is coming from her missing her mother and not remembering what kind of a mother she was. She tells Ben about having the BRCA gene mutation and he goes full doctor on her instead of being her boyfriend which makes things awkward. 

Sutton ends up agreeing to cut the fashion budget when Oliver is in Paris and has to figure out how to fix it. To make Oliver happy Sutton accomplishes his shoot by bargain shopping to create the illusion of them being in his favorite bar. At the end, she finds out accidentally that Oliver is planning to take her to Fashion Week in Paris with him.

Kat is asked by Cleo to be a spokesperson for a company. She agrees but then Ryan tells her that there is upcoming controversy to be published about the company, with Kat mostly a way for them to hide behind offensive comments that the CEO made. She figures out a way, to be honest, and still own up to what she signed up for. Eventually, she gets out of it with the news hitting the press and Jacqueline encourages her not to give up on representing a company, just one she actually supports. 

The Bold Type
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The Bold Type Season 2 Episode 8 Quotes

Do we have another photo of Michael B. Jordan? He’s just so gorgeous everyone is gonna think he’s CGI.


Sutton: How about the old fashion sperm delivery: Ben’s penis