The Final Showdown - The Cleaning Lady
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Garrett manages to get Thony released, but not Fiona.

Nadia is alive, gasping for air, and tries to make a run for it.

Jaz is upset everyone knew about Thony's double life.

Garrett and Katherine and Armon and Thony are trying to come up with a plan. Thony doesn't want to wait. She wants to go back in.

Chris offers to go back to Manilla with Fiona. She wants him to stay in the States and have a better life.

Thony bargains with Robert for the drugs for Luca, saying he'll die without them. Nadia is tired of her and tells Robert to do it.

Garrett gets a tip that Thony is with Robert. He calls Arman.

Robert harassed Thony about his drug interactions. He thinks she's lied many times and orders her to be killed. She fights back, and Arman and Garrett arrive.

This is an epic battle, as bullets go flying. As the police and FBI arrive, Garrett goes down.

JD agrees to care for the kids if Fiona gets deported.

Katherine isn't happy with Thony, but she'll honor the deal.

The FBI and Thony get word Robert is fleeing. They need him alive so Thony can testify. Arman and Nadia get to the airstrip first, and Nadia shoots him.

Thony rushes to see JD and the kids. Chris blames Thony for Fiona's deportation. He's going live with Luca. We see Garrett's funeral and Fi leaving.

Thony and Arman have an angry confrontation. She needs him to get Fiona back. He has a risky plan, but she'll need to trust him.

Thony tells one of Rober's men she's handling the next shipment to Manila and bringing someone back with her.

The Cleaning Lady
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