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Six months later Kid Flash and Vibe along with the rest of the team are continuing to protect Central City. Vibe and Kid Flash are going after Peek-A-Boo who is causing problems again.

Iris and Joe are having dinner with Cecile. Joe bluntly asks Iris if she really is OK about Barry being gone. Iris explains that she has moved on and wants to honor Barry's last wish.

A samurai-robot looking thing appears in the city looking for The Flash. Kid Flash and Vibe tries to stop him, but he uses his sword that blasts a wave of energy and damages.

The next day Central City has learned that the Samuroid is looking for The Flash. Cisco reveals that he has been working on a way to get Barry safely out of the Speed Force.

Cisco goes to see Caitlin who is now a bartender. He explains to her that he has found a way to get Iris out of the Speed Force, but needs her help.

Caitlin joins Cisco and the West men to use a device to get Barry out. They begin to use the device and opens a portal into the Speed Force.

It doesn't work though.as Iris joins them and is upset with them. Elsewhere something emerges from a breach and runs for miles.

The running streak crashes into a car and it's none other than a naked Barry Allen. Once he stops, Barry passes out.

The team is summoned to the CCPD where Cecile is keeping Barry. But something is extremely wrong with him as he is rambling nonsense.

They take him to Star Labs to find out how to get him back to normal. Caitlin's theory is that six months for Barry was an infinity.

Iris tries to get through to him, but it causes him to go berserk. The Star Labs system alerts that the Samuroid is back and they decide to have Wally use Barry's suit.

Wally goes up against him but gets taken down. Caitlin and Cisco figure out that Barry's weird writing might be his way of trying to give them a message.

But they decode it as being another crazy statement from Barry. Iris and Joe have a heart-to-heart before she tries one more time to get through to him.

The Samuroid is done waiting and goes up against the CCPD. But Iris shows up and lets herself be taken by the Samuroid.

Joe rushes back to Barry's cell and tells him that Iris has been taken. He breaks out and goes to save her by using Cisco's new suit.

He catches up with the Samuroid and saves Iris. Barry is back to normal as he kisses Iris.

The team re-group at Star Labs as Barry is back to normal and feeling like himself again. They try to figure out who sent the Samuroid.

Caitlin reassures Cisco that she will be back the next day.She goes back to the bar to call something off with a boss who won't let her go.

But she shifts back into Killer Frost to get out of the guy's grip. Caitlin manages to shift back to herself once she gets out.

Barry goes home with Iris before he has to run out again and save the day. Elsewhere two mysterious figures learn that The Flash is back.


The Flash
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The Flash Season 4 Episode 1 Quotes

Wally West: Team Kid Flash is on the case!
Joe West: Son, I love you. But ain't nobody feeling Team Kid Flash.

What is a nice girl with two doctorates and a Ph.D. doing at a rat's nest like this one?
