Starkey, Julius, Diane long - The Good Fight Season 5 Episode 5
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Liz and Carmen represent Oscar Rivi, who is suing Harbor Hospital over the death of his daughter Pia.

The hospital is ready to settle until they bring in a ringer named Racehorse, who will stop at nothing to win.

He deposes Oscar and implies that Oscar's wife Isabel ran the drug empire while Oscar was in prison.

Oscar gets angry, beats Racehorse, and threatens to kill him.

While working the case, Jay has flashes of memories about his time at Harbor Hospital while he was ill.

He and many other Black COVID-19 patients ended up in the basement, with no doctors or medical equipment.

Jay's memories are able to help the firm gain some traction in the case, but the hospital staff took extra care of Pia because they were afraid of her father.

Jay also learns that it was David Lee who called the hospital and got him transferred from the basement.

The Feds are closing in on Kurt, and he still refuses to name names.

Julius suggests Kurt try to get some of the other gun club members to back his version of events.

No one will, until Diane blackmails the woman who wrote the manifesto into coming forward.

The Feds drop the case against Kurt.

The Good Fight
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The Good Fight Season 5 Episode 5 Quotes

Diane: You’re willfully withholding information. Anything you tell me is protected by the firm’s privilege and marital privilege.
Kurt: Then why’d you call the FBI?
Julius: Maybe I should go.
Diane: No, stay. It was the right thing to do. I never thought it would blow back on you.

Julius: On a scale of 1 to 10, what is Kurt’s willingness to take a deal?
Diane: He’s not on that scale. That is not an option.
Julius: I am fairly certain I can get him less than one year.
Diane: Why are you even discussing deals? Kurt is innocent.
Julius: So was I, but we decided jail time was the best option. You know as well as I that sometimes it’s not about innocence.