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Michael goes to find out the judge's decision, and the humans are forced to stay behind and wait for news. To pass the time, they decide to throw themselves the funeral to end all funerals. 

Shawn, Michael, and the Good Place committee arrive in the judge's chambers.  

The gang, minus Chidi, throws a funeral for Tahani. They decide to go get Chidi even though he's still frozen. 

Back in the judge's court room, the results reveal that all the humans got better except for Brent. 

With Chidi passed out on a pool float, the gang throws a funeral for Jason and Eleanor. 

Michael has the judge pull up files on the four humans Team Cockroach helped on Earth, which reveal that all of them improved because of Eleanor, Chidi, Jason, and Tahani. 

The judge tells them she'll have her ruling shortly. 

Event though Chidi is still frozen, the gang throws him a funeral. The judge calls them to her court room for the ruling. 

The judge agrees that the point system is flawed and Team Cockroach was right. She decides to cancel Earth and extinguish everyone, including those in the afterlife. 

Janet steals the judge's remote and puts it in her voice before she can destroy the human race. The judge goes to get it, but realizes it's in Bad Janet's void instead. 

Because of Michael's manifesto, Bad Janet switches over to their side. She sent the manifesto to all the Janet's and they come to the courtroom in support of the humans.

The judge searches all the Janets one-by-one, while Eleanor begs Michael to wake Chidi up to help them put together a new point system. 

The Good Place
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