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Michael attempts to learn how to do things without afterlife magic. 

The council of afterlife affairs discusses the latest additions to the Good Place. 

Jason tells everyone he's ready to go through the door, and he throws a goodbye party. 

Janet walks Jason to the door and they say goodbye. 

Tahani's parents arrive in the Good Place and apologize to her and her sister. After spending time with her family, Tahani tells the gang that she's ready to go. She throws a party just for the Soul Squad.

Tahani realizes she doesn't want to go through the door, and she'd rather be an architect like Michael. 

Eleanor and Chidi have dinner with their friends, but Chidi is acting off. Eleanor tells Michael she thinks Chidi is going to leave, so she tries to find a way to make him want to stay. 

Eleanor takes Chidi to different places around the world, but he tells her that he's ready to walk through the door. Eleanor starts crying and he decides to stick around longer for her. 

At dinner, Eleanor realizes she needs to let Chidi go. He leaves before she wakes up in the morning, so she won't have to say goodbye. 

Janet takes Chidi to walk through the door, and Janet finds Jason waiting for her. He gives her the necklace he thought he lost, and runs after Chidi to leave with him. 

The judge tells Michael everything is working perfectly, so they dissolved the council. 

Eleanor goes to visit Mindy. She believes her final mission is to get Mindy to go through the system. Mindy agrees to let Tahani design her test. 

Janet takes Eleanor to walk through the door, but she's not ready. Michael shows up and tries to go through, but it doesn't work for demons. 

Eleanor convinces the judge to let Michael become human. Janet sets him up with a bank account and he goes to Earth. 

Janet takes Eleanor back to the door and they sit on the bench together. Eleanor walks through the door. 

On Earth, Michael gets his mail from a neighbor and Michael tells him to "take it sleazy."

The Good Place
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The Good Place Season 4 Episode 13 Quotes

I'm never going to forget you.


Chidi: How did you know?
Jason: It wasn't like I heard a bell ring or anything. I just suddenly had this calm feeling. Like the air inside my lungs was suddenly the air outside my body. It was peaceful.