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Tom wants to continue pursuing President Peng. But Captain Joseph Meylan the USS Hayward, who joins the Nathan James after his ship was damaged by the Chinese, wishes to return home.

President Oliver announces that he signed an executive order. He places the Army National Guard under local leadership. Jacob questions why there has been a swift overhaul of President Michener's policies, but Allison won't allow President Oliver to answer.

Kara calls Allison and reveals that she thinks there's a mole in the White House. When Allison sends guards to pick up Kara in her place, Kara knows she can't trust her boss.

Allison tells President Oliver that they needed Peng to kill Tom. The American Commander-in-Chief doesn't want to sign Allison's arrest warrant for Tom.

Kara tellsJacbo that Alex is dead. She reveals she thought Alex was leaking information to Peng, so she followed him. She then saw Alex being gunned down by the Secret Service. Kara also believes that President Michener was murdered, and Allison was part of the plan.

Joseph receives a message from President Oliver to arrest Tom. Tom realizes that there's a conspiracy in the White House, and that President Michener didn't commit suicide.

Dennis, one of Allison's colleagues in the White House, tells her and Jacob that Allison has increased security. Dennis reveals he discovered what may be Allison's plan.

Mike, Sasha, Danny, Wolf and Burk restrain Joseph's men and gather guns. Tom and his team retake control of the Nathan James.

As Kara and Jacob drive to Arkansas, a news report on the radio announces that Alex and Senator Beatty have died. The news also reports that arrest warrants have been issued for Kara and Jacob, who are believed to have killed the government officials.

The Last Ship
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