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Christos wants to go back to his government job in the States, but Vellek tries to convince him to stay. Vellek has figured out how to eliminate the Red Rust. Lucia is concerned about the Nathan James, but Vellek isn't worried about one ship up against the whole Greek Navy. Giorgio lets slip to Fletcher that his father is working on mind-control drugs. The James brain-trust decides to head to the island of Kleos, tap into Vellek's communications network. Fletcher finds out he has been cut off from calling England, and that Stavros in in charge of the Greek fleet and Dimitrios incapacitated by Vellek's drug. To slow down Vellek, Fletcher feeds Dimitrios a cyanide pill, killing him. Master Chief Jeter is still suffering from his injury, coughing up blood. The away team discovers that Giorgio's fighters are being trained on the island, so sneaking in won't be easy. Danny suggest the male members infiltrate through the front door. Vellek is baffled by Dimitrios' death, but he refuses to alter his plans. The away team members decide they're in with the fighters who have been dosed with Vellek's drug. Christos still wants to go home. Fletcher is trying to play Giorgio, to get him to stop his father's mad mission. The food being fed to the fighters is laced with nostos. Jeter and Burk establish an up-link to the James. Then they get caught by guards in the hallway, and Jeter is crippled by a punch to his injury. A guard escapes to sound the alarm. Ares takes bullets so the others can escape. Azima and Sasha pick off the trailing guards. Fletcher kills the Greek guard to get into the radio room and calls the Nathan James, giving them what detail he has. Giorgio betrays Fletcher to his father, then kills Fletcher. Christos is an hallucination of Vellek's. 

The Last Ship
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The Last Ship Season 4 Episode 8 Quotes

Very soon, your country will eat again, as kings.

Vellek [to Fletcher]

Don't turn your back on me, son. We're going to do great things, you and me.

Vellek [to Christos]