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A man tries to keep the peace at a soup kitchen, but is shot with an arrow made of mistletoe, poinsettia, and holly.

Meanwhile, the Librarians are decorating for Christmas, and Eve doesn't understand their excitement. Jenkins gets a phone call and announces to everyone that Christmas is cancelled because Santa is missing.

Cassandra and Jacob question a fake Santa, and they realize that the Serpent Brotherhood kidnapped Santa Clause.

The Serpent Brotherhood wants Santa's magic.

Jacob and Eve find the Brotherhood, and Jacob starts throwing around artifacts. Meanwhile, Cassandra and Ezekiel come down the chimney to rescue Santa. Cassandra is thrilled that Santa knows her name.

Jacob and Eve meet Santa, and Santa continues to talk in the third person.

Santa's sleigh has been stolen.

Santa has different reincarnations, including Nicholas the Wonder-maker, who hides toys in shoes. He is having trouble because he doesn't have his hat.

Meanwhile, Ezekiel has the hat and is spreading Christmas cheer.

Eve is cynical and Santa is picking on her. There's a hint that Eve has a troubled background. Eve and Santa try to get to the North Pole, but even though Santa's magic can make them go fast, he can't get them extra gas. They run out and end up in Canada.

Cassandra thinks they can use the Northern Lights to keep Santa from having to get to the North Pole.

Santa becomes another reincarnation, this time as Odin. Santa and Jacob get into a bar brawl.

Ezekiel lets the pilot go home to be with his fiance, leaving them with no pilot to fly the plane. Santa, of course, knows how to fly vehicles, so he pilots the plane.

The Serpent Brotherhood has the sleigh, and they highjack the airplane. They give the hat to Dulaque, then all shout wishes that will sabotage him.

Eve lets Dulaque fall out of the plane, but Santa is still in trouble because he has been poisoned. Someone else will have to play the part of Santa to send Christmas cheer back into the world. he chooses Eve, because she was born on Christmas Eve. She will spread around the good will.

Eve is transported throughout the word to help people, save lives, and encourage those who are sad.

The Librarians surprise Eve for her birthday with a cake and a banner.

The Librarians
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The Librarians Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Christmas is cancelled.


Cassandra: Mrs. Clause is real?!
Jenkins: Oh, shiny balls, yes!