Heckling - The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
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Imogene accompanies Midge to a storage locker to get Midge’s apartment furniture out. Imogene notes the “orgy lamps,” which Midge didn’t realize were so inappropriate. Midge leaves Imogene to handle the movers while she runs some errands.

Midge visits Herman the dry cleaner and Eli the baker, asking for a higher limit on her tabs. Midge asks Johann the milkman if she can extend her tab — he says he will have to check with the office. Midge runs into the fruit delivery man in the elevator and starts to talk about her tab.

Midge chats with her pharmacist on the phone, and asks for a higher limit on her tab, to which he agrees. Midge explains to Imogene that she’s trying to get lines of credit where she can so that she can catch up until she has her money. Midge notes that even Moishe put up a fight, but she used Esther to guilt him.

Midge and Imogene unpack the crockery in the kitchen. Midge shows Imogene the bedroom, where she has rearranged the furniture ins a range set-up. Imogene thinks it’s insane. Midge explains she wants her new life to look different, and the bedroom’s the only place in the apartment she can create something new.

Abe heads to the Village Voice to start his new job. He meets his new colleagues. The arts editor assigns him three reviews to do the following week. Abe explains that he read the back issues of the Voice at the library in preparation. They applaud his thoroughness and the meeting resumes.

Abe and Rose arrive at Midge’s apartment. Rose mentions that it’s like going back in time, like the show Abe watches — The Twilight Zone.

Midge shows them around while Abe talks about the last episode of The Twilight Zone, until he realizes he’s talking to himself. Midge shows them to the guest room and asks if they would like to move in with her. Rose wants to, Abe does not. Abe says it is a stupid idea, and he accuses Midge of being sneaky, trying to woo them.

Midge tries to convince Abe he will be happy in his old neighborhood. Rose stresses to Abe that they can’t continue living with Moishe and Shirley, but if they move back in they will need a cover story so they don’t appear to be charity cases.

They decide to tell people that they bought back the apartment for Miriam and they all moved in together. The matter is settled.

Susie visits Sophie Lennon, who is currently a patient at a luxury mental institution. Susie asks Sophie how she ended up here.

Sophie explains that after the Miss Julie debacle, she and her team decided she should have a nervous breakdown. Susie asks if Sophie did have nervous breakdown, to which Sophie responds with hysterical laughter.

Susie says she’s here for a reason. Sophie calls for the butler, Dawes, and asks for her pills, which he serves to her on a silver platter. Susie wants Sophie to sign a legal document stating that Susie will no longer be her manager.

Sophie asks Dawes to read the document. He explains that it’s a dissolution of their partnership. Sophie reluctant signs it (using Dawes as a table) and she hands it back to Susie. Dawes wheels Sophie away. Susie looks at the document, which Sophie has signed as ”Lucille Fucking Ball.”

Midge wakes up the clacking of a typewriter. Abe is typing in the bathtub in her bathroom. He insists he needs a cozy writer’s space, and he doesn’t want to wake Rose. He has been using Midge’s lipstick as a red pen for corrections.

Rose is rearranging the kitchen. Midge lets Abe know Rose is awake, and he moves into the other bathroom.

Midge asks Ethan, who is watching television, what he wants for breakfast. He says cereal.

Midge got out to get the milk but there is none. She notices all the other neighbours have milk. She grabs one of the other milks, just as her neighbours return from a walk. She makes up a story about not wanting it spoil, and hands them back their milk.

Midge calls the milkman, Gus. He tells her she has no credit, as the account was under Joel’s name, and he needs some cash upfront. Midge lays into him about his horrible milk. Midge then informs Ethan it’s either a banana or toast, and he runs off crying.

Midge notices an announcement on the television that Shy Baldwin is engaged to his longtime girlfriend.

Midge goes into her room and tries to slam the door, but her table is in the way. She sits on her bed and cries.

Susie gets a call from Tess, telling her the insurance company is cutting their check today. Tess also informs Susie about her new job as secretary to Mr. B, the insurance agent, who she slept with at Susie’s suggestion. Susie worries Tess will blow their cover and urges her to stop talking, and just get the check.

Susie hangs up and the phone rings again. It’s Midge. Midge complains that she can’t pay for her milk and she feels terrible about everything.

Midge regrets buying the apartment, and mentions she got slammed in another Elroy Dunham column. Midge tries to rearrange her bedroom, talking about how she’s going to have to find a nice doctor to marry, and now has to go forcefeed Ethan some dry toast.

Susie meets with Harry Drake in Central Park, and they discuss his many ex-wives. Susie complains about Sophie, how she’s snapped and won’t sign the form. Harry tells Susie to just run out the clock — Sophie’s done.

Harry finds his bench and they sit down. Harry congratulates Susie for getting Sophie Lennon on Broadway, and that if Sophie had gotten past opening night, Susie would be considered a legend. He tells her that being sued is par for the course.

Harry asks about Midge. When Susie explains, he suggests dumping her. Susie insists Midge is has something special. He tells her to just get her back on stage. He tells her that comedians are crazy, she just needs to get Midge back on stage, and get more clients.

Harry heads back to the office, assuring Susie he’ll get the Broadway guys to stop their lawsuits on her.

Susie picks up Midge and takes her to the comedy club where she tries to get Midge a spot, but Bobby says the slots are gone. Susie insists, but to no avail. Bobby lets them come in cover-free, as long as they drink.

The comics are terrible. Noah Birnbaum takes the stage. Midge and Susie dismiss Noah as a hack. Midge finishes every joke Noah tells, loudly calling him hack throughout his set. Bobby confronts them and tells them to be quiet. Noah continues to tell predictable jokes.

Joel arrives at his parents’ house. His mother insists he stay — she made all his favorites for dinner. A pretty pregnant woman, Lena Braufman, a music teacher, is there. Shirley introduces them. Shirley says Joel owns a music club so they have lots in common.

Joel and Lena sit down to a candlelit table as Shirley dims the light and puts music on. Joel gets up heads into the kitchen. Joel berates his mother for trying to set him up with a pregnant woman. Shirley tells him he can’t afford to be choosy. Joel sits back down with Lena and pours himself a glass of wine.

At the club, the MC announces that Billy Jones will be next. Midge and Susie complain. They spot Billy in the audience. Susie sneaks backstage and locks Billy out. The MC calls Billy to the stage, but he doesn’t appear.

Midge immediately takes the stage and starts doing Billy’s misogynistic act. A woman in the balcony laughs, but the audience starts to boo. Billy Jones enters, Bobby cuts the spotlight, and Midge and Susie get thrown out of the club. Bobby bans them both for life.

Midge starts offering men going into the club a good time. A cop thinks she’s a sex worker and arrests her.

The Voice is very happy with Abe’s work. Abe gets his first paycheck.

Midge rants to the other women in the jail about the unfairness of it all. She explains that she’s in for solicitation. A young first-timer offers Midge a light. The officer comes in to tell Midge she made bail. Midge wants to finish ranting before she leaves.

As Susie and Midge ride in the cab (along with the young woman who offered Midge a light), Susie tries to explain to Midge without alcohol sales they won’t make money. The young woman takes them to the burlesque club where she works so that she can get the money to pay Midge and Susie back for bailing her out.

Midge explores the club. She peers out at the audience from backstage and watches the stripper - Lana LaRue — dancing to applause. When she’s done, Lana walks past Midge, asking if she’s new. The MC gets onstage and tells terrible jokes, saying it’s his last night. The crowd is bored and boos him. Midge gets an idea.

Joel finally gets back to the factory, where Mei sleeps., As she snores, he tells her they need to tell his parents about them. Susie shows up, with the money she owes Joel. Joel warns her never to do anything shifty with Midge’s money again.

Midge returns home, where Zelda is rearranging the kitchen. Midge finds her father drinking watching television. Midge sits beside Abe. He gives her his paycheck to contribute to the household. She remarks how small it is. He gets her a drink.

Abe notes how much he loves the job and the people he works with and that they like him. Father and daughter are both pursuing their art, and they clink their glasses.

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 4 Episode 2 Quotes

I can see two of the three penthouses I lost to wives from here.

Harry Drake

My mother is turning my kitchen upside down and my father is in the bathroom topless using my lipstick!

Miriam "Midge" Maisel