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Whitney opens up to her husband about past abuse, finding herself in a vulnerable position.

Her family helps her out.

Whitney then meets Meredith and they talk about the rumors surrounding Lisa.

Whitney says that she also heard the rumor about Lisa offering favors to get her tequila into bars.

Jen is worried about what the future may hold for her and she plays a puzzle with her mom as she tries to come to terms with all of it.

Whitney and Heather plan a getaway for the entire cast.

Meredith turns up late and is put together with Lisa.

They all start opening up on a healing trip and Meredith opens up about her father's funeral being around a year ago and the drama that followed on from it.

Lisa says that she was once a safe space for Meredith, but Meredith shoots it down, saying that she'll never be a safe space for her.

Lisa rushes off, clearly upset and asks for some time away from the cameras.


The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City
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