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Conrad takes Nic to see a house. He tells her that he's thinking about it for them, and she clams up and mentions that they can't afford it. 

The ED is filled with Flu patients. Devon and Irving try to break down which patients are in more need than others.

AJ Hands away all of his surgeries to Mina's chagrin.

Bell is about to do a guest lecture and asks Grayson to look into Gordon and QuoVadis. He gets word that they're flooded with flu patients so he goes to the clinic and gives Alec privileges to work at the hospital to help them out.

Meg, Nic's old CO, breaks up in the hospital and needs immediate help. Shaw thinks she may have a special flu strain, and she is put in quarantine. Bell wants to transfer her to another hospital instead. They have a couple of hours to diagnose and treat her.

Nic and Alex go to the prison to see if she contracted there. They find out that she used to feed pigeons, but it isn't the avian flu.  Sam, Devon's patient who was talking his ear off about the love of his life, contracts the same thing and has to be in isolation.

Mina investigates the QuoVadis heart valve. She finds out that it wasn't meant to be placed in young, active individuals otherwise it would be faulty. She tells AJ, but he's not ready to hear her or not take blame. 

Nic helps Meg when she starts to code and exposes herself because she didn't have time to suit up. Conrad and Alec realize that it's the plague that the patients have. They determine that Sam had it first and he got it from his girlfriend. She comes into the hospital for treatment later. 

AJ and Mina go to a restaurant and confront his mentor. They know that he has accepted money from Gordon, and AJ knows that their relationship is shady. 

Bell finds out from his assistant that Gordon did trials for his device in another city and that the CEO of that hospital mysteriously killed himself. 

Nic goes home. Conrad tries to talk to her about not accepting the house and their relationship. He feels like she lost interest in him now that she can't fix him. She leaves. 

The Resident
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