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Miguel gives the toast at Jabecca's wedding.

Right after a little fight at dinner over Ben, Miguel and Shelly tell Jabecca they're getting divorced.

Jack can't believe it, but Rebecca says nothing is ever that simple. People drift apart.

Randall wakes up from a nightmare in which he gets home to a dark house to find William dead at the piano.

Tess is playing chess with William. She has a tournament the next day and wants to play with him because he won't be around forever.<P>

Kevin goes to Sal's Diner. He asks a couple to move from the booth. George's eggs haven't come yet. They think he's nuts. It's at that booth where he had lunch with Sophie during their 8th grade trip. He was seasick after the trip to the Statue of Liberty until she kissed him. That's were they had the discussion Kevin was going to follow his dreams to Los Angeles and that they could handle the distance.

Was he the Manny? Yeah. Sign her napkin. Booth is his.

As soon as they're moved, she's there. She wants him to be dying, but he's glowing instead. With lava fries.

Kate is working hard at the camp when she gets a message from Toby. He brought her a gift. Himself. He wants her to come with him to a hotel for sex. He didn't think it through.

Randall and Beth meet with the fellow about end of life treatment. After he breaks out about digging a grave before there's a body, he leaves for work.

Randall's competitive nature causes him to schedule a dinner meeting when he should be going to Tess' chess tournament.

Sophie is appalled when Kevin wants to pick up where they left off. He cheated on her and ruined their marriage.

Duke introduces himself to Toby. He figures Toby must be there to get in on some of the hot women. Then says it got awkward and Kate's a cool girl.

Miguel tells Jack why he and Shelly are getting a divorce. He just didn't feel like making Shelly coffee anymore, and she didn't notice. They stopped noticing and stopped making each other happy. When it happens, they're make or break. 

You either roll up your sleeves and fight for what you've got or you decide that you're tired and you give up. They gave up.

Ben wants the band to be part of an east coast tour. But she has a family and can't just pick up and go. "If Jack really loves her, he'll understand."

Beth calls marriage when she discovers Randall was going to be taking a client to dinner.

Toby gets a day pass for the camp when he decides not to wait, but it only annoys Kate more, especially when he attempts to make it fun.

Kevin and Sophie find themselves stuck on the subway, something Kevin knows upsets her. She asks about Kate, Randall, Rebecca and Miguel. Her mom has MS. Kevin made a fake Facebook profile to keep up with Sophie.

Sophie even married again after breaking up with Kevin. She's happy now and doesn't want to mess up things now that she's dating a nice guy and has an apartment with exposed brick.

She's the best thing that ever happened to them.

Tess wins the chess tournament while Randall keeps an eye on his phone. William is exhausted, and Randall worries that he did a bad thing bringing a dying man into their lives. Beth assures him he brought joy into their life.

Toby needed Kate, but she wasn't there. She was thinking about herself again while he was alone in New York after major surgery.

Randall's boss informs him his accounts will now be split with Sanjay. For year, Randall has worked without any support, and he's needed it. There's no discussion.

Jack takes Rebecca to their first apartment.

Duke checks in with Kate. She's exercising in lieu of eating. She's determined to sweat it out. Duke tells Kate he used to be like her, trying to change to fit in for his family, the world, but now he's accepted himself in all of his damaged glory and has a lot more fun doing it.

He also reminds her his offer to join him in cabin 13 still stands.

Jack has taken to Rebecca their original vows. It won't always be easy, but they'll create a home full of love, laughter and compassion.

Rebecca wants to go on the five-state tour.


This Is Us
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This Is Us Season 1 Episode 14 Quotes

Kevin, where we left off is with you cheating on me and ruining our marriage.


Jack: No. You don't do that to your family. You find your soul mate, you get married, you stay together until you die. Period.
Rebecca: It's not always that simple.
Jack: It is to me.
Rebecca: Not everyone's you.