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Little Rebecca and her mother make a pie for Thanksgiving but her mother won't let her eat it.

Years later, Rebecca and Jack have their first THanksgiving together. Rebecca's mother is coming.

In the next timeline, Kate teases Rebecca about Matt coming to Thanksgiving while they are making the pie too. She offers Kate the opportunity to taste the batter.

In the present timeline, Kate writes down the recipe for the pie. Toby doesn't like that Kate lets Jack D taste it. Kate doesn't want to fight on Thanksgiving. Kevin makes up a song about how depressed he is to not have the kids with him. Rebecca wonders where Randall is.

Randall asks the girls to put their phones away. Deja says Malik is acting weird and hasn't texted her. Randall's hoping for a drama-free Thanksgiving, which Beth thinks is not possible.

In the past, Kevin says he broke up with Sophie and Kate adds he cheated on her like an idiot.

Also Miguel and Marguerite show up, as does Matt. Beth whispers to Randall that there is a lot going on here.

In the present, Rebecca wants to have a family talk after dinner.

In the past, Rebecca's mother suggests she starve herself to fit into her wedding dress and complains the gravy is lumpy.

In the Miguel timeline, Rebecca shows Marguerite the bathroom while Miguel and Matt deal with the wine. Matt wants the kids to like him and wants to stick around awhile.

Kevin and Randall watch football. Kevin drinks and asks why Randall is looking at Kate. Randall says Kate has gained a lot of weight. Kate says to Beth she knows they're talking about her and how much weight she's gained.

In the present, Kevin takes everyone to see the plot where he's going to build the house. Randall worries about what Rebecca wants to talk about. Toby is irritated because Jack is melting down and he says that it's due to too much sugar and wants Kate to help rather than instruct him. Kevin wants to teach Rebecca a dance. Randall wants to take a family photo. Miguel asks Kevin if he will build a guesthouse. Kevin says this house is for family.

Rebecca and her mom keep fighting and a plate breaks. Jack wants to go in there. Rebecca's father suggests that men can't understand their dynamic and they should stay out of it.

Time for dinner. Rebecca wants Jack to carve.

A few years later, Rebecca doesn't know how to carve the turkey and asks Miguel to do it. He tells her Matt is very nice. Rebecca says Matt is the sweetest. Miguel says Matt is not too sweet, not too sour. Rebecca says Marguerite is beautiful but not as worldly as she expected. She's remarkably normal. Miguel is surprised by that.

In the present, Kevin is playing the guitar again. Rebecca whispers that she wants to break the guitar strings. Kevin makes a crack to Miguel about is this a bigger faux pas than me not wanting ot build an extra wing on the family compound for your fishing buddies?

In the college storyline, Randall suggests Kate go to Carnegie Mellon to audit a class. Kate takes half the sweet potatoes. Rebecca does the same in the past and informs her mother she is eating the food she cooked. Also she is not going to the stuffy country club for her wedding.

Toby shows Jack his Pilgrim hat and lets him feel it. Kate notices Toby taking food off Jack's plate. She wonders if he's worried that Jack will get fat. They start arguing. He lays into Kevin too when Kevin s says it's Thanksgiving. Kevin tells Toby to take off the hat. Beth whispers that it's always something every year.

Jack comes in to talk to Rebecca's mom. He says Rebecca wanted Thanksgiving dinner to be perfect for her. Janet says Rebecca used to want to be just like her. She and Dave are moving to Connecticut and she doubts Rebecca will ever visit again. Jack promises they will visit.

After dinner in the college timeline, everyone plays Taboo. Miguel gets all the points because Rebecca reminds him off all sorts of memories. Kevin is glaring. It's awkward for everyone.

Beth and Randall sit on the steps outside. Randall is looking at photos. Beth says everyone wants him to put away the phone. He feels disconnected from Rebecca now that she lives on the other coast.  Beth says Rebecca was adamant about taking his phone.

Toby says to Kate that they are having the same argument over and over. Also he wants to help Jack avoid being fat like they both were. Kate tells him how she used to sing the song Kiss Me to stop herself from eating and imagine herself going down th e stairs thin and beautiful, but then she'd feel shame when she couldn't stay on her diet. She doesn't want their kids to experience that shame. She doesn't know how he doesn't know how much thought she put into what she feeds the kids. Rebecca interrupts that she's ready for The Talk.

Rebecca tells Jack she can't stand her mother. Jack explains that Janet feels she's losing her and lets slip that Janet is moving.  Janet manages to say the dinner was good. Rebecca and Janet unite in telling Jack he shouldn't have told her.

Kevin says to Miguel (in the college story) that he's been focusing on the wrong guy. He says he blew it with Sophie and he can hear Jack's voice being disappointed in him. Did Miguel ever get that feeling? Miguel says he doesn't get anything Kevin is saying. Kevin warns him that Jack wouldn't want Miguel with Rebecca.

In the present, Rebecca says that Miguel is in charge of her care when she is no longer able to care for herself. Also the reason Miguel was asking about a guesthouse is that she may need aides to stay there if she needs caregivers. Also she thought about who should take care of her if Miguel predeceases her and she doesn't want any of them to fight. She wants it to be Kate. She says this was actually the easy part.  The harder part is that she doesn't want the camera focused only on her. She demands that they not make their lives smaller because of her.

In the past, Rebecca thanks Miguel for helping her clean up. He tells her how Jack thought Billy Joel's best song was Piano Man and he and Miguel argued over it. He admits his jabs at Matt weren't harmless. Rebecca says nor were hers at Marguerite. Miguel has been so good to her these past few years. Miguel says he's moving to Houston for work and to be near his kids. Rebecca is surprised. Miguel is sorry to tell her like this. He feels like he's been staying around because... but it's time, she's back on her feet and he should move on.  He doesn't know what else to do.  She's his favorite person.

In the present Kevin brings Miguel the plans to go over. Maybe they can walk the property tomorrow. Miguel tells Kevin this is a hell of thing he's doing.

In the past, Randall doesn't know what to do because Rebecca is crying. Kate says that you can't fix people. Kevin decides he's leaving because the house is too sad. Kate goes in to comfort Rebecca.

In the present Kate wonders why her. Rebecca says Kate is her daughter and her best friend. It was always her.

Later, Kate writes down the recipe for sugar pie and tells Haley she'll tell her the secret ingredient someday.

This Is Us
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This Is Us Season 6 Episode 7 Quotes

Kate: I'm writing down the sugar pie recipe in case I forget the secret ingredient.
Rebecca: You mean in case I forget. But I can't forget, because these recipes are buried deep inside me.

Rebecca: Aren't we going to have any?
Rebecca's mother: We need to watch ourselves.