Ugly Betty Reviews

Ugly Betty Review: "London Calling"

Ugly Betty Review: "London Calling"

In "London Calling", Betty is off to London Fashion Week, accompanied by Amanda and Hilda. Meanwhile, Daniel unsuccessfully tries to bond with Tyler. Read our full recap to fin out what happened!
Posted in: Ugly Betty
Ugly Betty Review: "All the World's a Stage"

Ugly Betty Review: "All the World's a Stage"

In "All the World's a Stage", Betty meets a playwright and wants to do a feature on him for Mode. Justin finally figures out that sparks are flying between him and a certain classmate. Read our recap to find out what happened!
Posted in: Ugly Betty
Ugly Betty Review: "Fire and Nice"

Ugly Betty Review: "Fire and Nice"

In "Fire and Nice" Hilda invites Bobby's parents over for dinner, while Betty goes out with an annoying fireman to get their report pushed up on the list. Wilhelmina gets in contact with an old flame who remembers her as Wanda from the block. Read our full recap to see what happened!
Posted in: Ugly Betty
Ugly Betty Review: "Smokin' Hot"

Ugly Betty Review: "Smokin' Hot"

In "Smokin' Hot", Wilhelmina marginalizes Betty during Fashion Week, but Daniel intervenes. Marc ends up stealing Betty's thunder, while the Suarez house mysteriously catches on fire.
Posted in: Ugly Betty
Ugly Betty Review: "Chica and the Man"

Ugly Betty Review: "Chica and the Man"

In "Chica and the Man", Wilhelmina is livid when she lays eyes on her drag queen impersonator. Betty gets first award for her blog writing - a Blobby and gets into a huge fight with Daniel about it.
Posted in: Ugly Betty
Ugly Betty Review: "Blackout!"

Ugly Betty Review: "Blackout!"

Betty plans a karaoke party on this week's episode. Wilhelmina and Daniel are back at each other's throats - will a couple's counseling session smooth things over? A city-wide blackout hits New York! Read our recap to find out what happens!
Posted in: Ugly Betty

Ugly Betty Quotes

You know exactly what [Whilemnia] is up to. Firing, scheming, looking for a puppy to kick.


Betty: Does every spread have to be women in skimpy bras?
Daniel: You're right, I haven't thought of that. Let's lose those bras please.