An Uncomfortable Confrontation - When Calls the Heart
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The Coulters, Elizabeth, and Little Jack celebrate Goldie's first birthday and discuss that Elizabeth will be working for the Valley School District the next day.

Nathan arrives to walk Elizabeth to school. Along the way, he invites her to lunch, and she agrees, depending on her meeting with the school board.

Lee tells Rosemary he wants to form a group of town leaders to discuss ideas. She suggests dinner at the saloon but then relents and agrees to a more intimate gathering, where people will be more inclined to share their thoughts.

Thomas Higgins stops by the schoolhouse since he's now the Superintendent of the School Board. He wants to discuss the new testing standards with her later, but she turns him down and is uncomfortable.

As the mayor's sign is hung, Lee invites Joseph to his mayoral gathering, and Mike and Ned overhear and invite themselves to it.

Mike and Mei have breakfast together, during which they discuss their families. Mei knows Mike would have loved her mom and her cooking, so Mike asks Mei to cook one of her dishes for him.

Thomas Higgens returns at lunchtime, but he refuses to discuss the testing guidelines with Elizabeth unless she joins him for dinner, which she refuses. Nathan sees her after that and can sense something is wrong when she blows off lunch.

Lucas and Henry have difficulty getting bids for the resort because there is slander being spread about the governor.

As Lee and Rosemary discuss the guest list, Florence and Molly stop in to say they are coming too and have lots of ideas. Lee and Rosemary realize the intimate gathering is getting out of hand.

Later that night, Rosemary stops by Elizabeth's, and Elizabeth explains how Thomas nearly cost her her job years ago, and now he's returned and is the head of the school board.

Elizabeth thinks he's out for revenge, but she's not sure he harassed her because he's talented at making her doubt herself.

After that, Rosemary tells Lee she loves him the way he is, and they need to find a way to help all the people in Hope Valley.

Thomas Higgins visits the school early, ridicules her art project, and refuses to follow the new guidelines, saying that if the students can't handle it, they belong in a remedial classroom.

He starts to proposition her, saying he'll change his mind just as Anna arrives, and Elizabeth is forced to introduce them.

Rosemary tells Bill she learned from Pike's employment records that he used to work at Union City Holdings. The two observe how tight Higgens and Edwin seem.

Elizabeth notices that Thomas Higgins seems to be cozying up to Anna before she leaves for exams. She warns him to stay away from her, and he threatens her.

Nathan sees Elizabeth upset, and she falls apart in his arms. As she tells him everything, he wants to set him straight, but Elizabeth says they have no proof, and he has all the power.

Nathan assures her that she's strong, and they form a plan to bring him down. When Higgins arrives at the school, she refuses dinner again and says that many women benefit from being nice and that her students will suffer since she doesn't know her place.

When he threatens her job, Nathan enters, saying that Higgins confessed to abuse of office. He tries running to Edwin and Lucas, but Lucas believes Elizabeth.

Lee decided to hold a Meet the Mayor event every Wednesday so residents could offer him ideas.

Mike and Mei have their romantic dinner date and discuss how they want to be part of each other's lives.

Elizabeth thanks Nathan for being there and they share a sweet moment on the steps.





When Calls the Heart
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When Calls the Heart Season 11 Episode 6 Quotes

Mei: My mother was the most amazing cook. I would have loved to bring you home for dinner.
Mike: And then she could have told embarrassing stories of you as a kid

Thomas: Good morning, Mrs. Thornton. Thomas Higgins.
Elizabeth: I could hardly forget. What are you doing here?