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Elizabeth is worried about Lucas, who has become discouraged and withdrawn.

Rosemary greets Elizabeth in the morning. She's enjoying the day so far, but she's going about her days as if nothing has changed because she's not sure that anything has.

Lucas asks his cousin to watch the saloon because he's leaving town.

Bill is in a lot of pain, but he's riding to Buxton to meet a superior court judge to see if he'll sign an emergency stay to keep the mine from opening.

Florence is very unhappy about the mine, and Ned wants to help. But when she sees signs posted "miners wanted," she angrily tears them all down.

Florence runs into Lucas, and she blames him for what's happening.

Lucas next runs into Henry, who is having his sign removed. Both men are very unhappy with the situation. The sign almost kills Henry, but Lucas pulls him out of the way. Henry wonders if it wouldn't have been better if Lucas had let the sign do its work.

Faith and Nathan meet in the pharmacy. She laughs at one of his jokes, and he's amused. They discuss Mei.

Arthur visits Lee at the Valley Voice. He has a business opportunity he'd like to explore. Jerome pulls him away before he can say more.

Eliabeth visits Lucas staring at a dart in the Saloon wall. It was thrown by the previous owner of the saloon.

Elizabeth tries to get Lucas to explain why he's so down, but he doesn't know how he could say it any better than he already has. Lucas wants to go for a ride, but Elizabeth has her spa day, and he doesn't want her to cancel.

Florence wants the pharmacy closed for the day so that she and Ned can spend time together.

Millie and Angela are back from their trip.

Jerome talks with Henry. He wants to bring in someone else to run the oil company in place of Fiona, who isn't yet up to the task.

Arthur asks Fiona to dinner, and it doesn't go well.

Fiona asks what will happen if the engineer says the mine cannot be operated safely. Arthur denigrates the man for his lack of formal education, but he will reconsider based on his recommendation.

Rosemary offers Elizabeth advice about Lucas. She thinks Lucas is just questioning what comes next. Elizabeth believes it's far more than that and cannot let it go.

She reminds Elizabeth why she booked the spa day, so that she could forget everything and just relax.

Elizabeth is very upset that with everything that happened, Lucas didn't give her her birthday gift. If it was going to be more then just a birthday gift, then maybe he's no longer feeling the same way.

Rosemary reminds her of the poem incident and urges Elizabeth to talk to him.

Nathan is still getting headaches and checks in with Faith. He's having trouble sleeping. They talk and oh boy, sparks are flying. They're looking right into each other's eyes.

Minnie returned with a letter from her daddy for Joseph.

Elizabeth wonders how Ned stays to even tempered. He says hobbies help and suggests she start dancing again.

Rosemary and Lee are going to spend the evening together, and Rosie invites Elizabeth over so they can get ready together.

The engineer says that how the coal is in the mine makes it prone to slipping and that means cave-ins. Henry is convinced they shouldn't reopen, but Jerome already spoke with Mr. McCrory. Jerome bought off McCrory, and Henry explodes and drives off.

Lucas and Henry talk, and Lucas offers Henry some cash as their deal wasn't complete. Elizabeth's gift is still in the drawer.

Arthur suggests he and Fiona have dinner after all, and he had no idea Jerome had contacted the inspector. She believes him.

Elizabeth is hiding behind a newspaper. She looks very much like Rosemary. Lucas and Lee get a kick out of it.

McCrory reminds Henry how he once sent men into mines black as pitch.

Florence has on her ballet slippers. She can still get on her toes, but it hurts!

The girls get together to share time during the stressful time.

Lucas and Elizabeth talk about his day. She's worried again.

Florence's arches keep cramping.

Faith gets a call from Carson.

Molly sees Bill riding back into town. She's worried.

Elizabeth runs into Lucas's office. He assures her that as long as they and Jack are together, they can do anything. She mentions the gift and that she thought he was going to propose. So he gets the gift, and it's earrings.

Arthur offers Lee a job writing opinion pieces working from New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles.

Rosemary reminds Elizabeth that she and Lucas need to keep each other's wants in mind.

Henry blows up the mine.

Bill, Lucas, and Fiona are talking with Henry. He said he used every stick of dynamite he could get his hand on. And with the national steelworkers on strike, there's not need to build a foundry, and without a foundry, they don't need coal.

Bill suggests that Henry leave town. Lucas agrees. Bill wants him to go long enough so that he can figure out how to help Henry.

Minnie is busy in the kitchen, and she doesn't want to talk about what her dad wrote to Joseph. Maybe Minnie's daddy wants to give them money.

Bill and Nathan talk at the same time that Faith and Molly do about getting back into the dating game.

Ned shows Fiona his automatic toaster.

Fiona sees Arthur and Jerome off. Jerome tells her to expect a call about her replacement.

Mike arrives back to town in the same cab they take to leave.

Elizabeth goes to see Lucas and is greeted by Gustav. Gustav has a letter for her from Lucas. She's sure he'll be fine. She looks at the photo on his desk of their little family.

When Calls the Heart
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When Calls the Heart Season 9 Episode 11 Quotes

Elizabeth: So, how are you feeling?
Rosemary: Well, I no longer feel nauseous.
Elizabeth: That might mean you're progressing!
Rosemary: Or that I was never pregnant.

Oh, isn't today simply splendatious?
