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Jimmy looks super unhappy as he prepares for the morning.

He doesn't get to finish his breakfast and has to ride an untrained horse.

A girl on the res notices that the fence has been cut.

Beth is worried about John since they haven't talked. Beth wants Rip to take her for a ride. He wonders why she never tells him the whole truth of what she's thinking. Because then he'll spend the rest of the day thinking about her.

Beth gets to the house and finds Summer in one of John's shirts in the kitchen, and she grabs a knife. John walks in and is none too happy about what she's discovered.

Summer and Beth trade barbs over breakfast.

Kayce and Monica found a house, and Tate found a dog, too.

Jamie is outside of his house, legs askance. He's ready to confront Garrett. Garrett is so ridiculously calm as he tries to swing the situation, and by playing into Jamie's insecurities, he seals the deal.

Kayce finds Avery with the family whose horses were stolen, and Monica is jealous.

John finds a baby cow outside the fence. Rip helps him get her back to her family.

Summer is surprised that John and Rip love what the do. Summer decides she wants to walk the rest of the way, even though it's a long road and likely unsafe.

Country song while we watch Jimmy in Texas.

Jimmy has to learn to rope. He's sore as all getout and can barely walk.

There is a plate of food waiting for him on the bed.

After eating, he practices roping. He practices all night.

Lloyd is teaching Carter how to rope.

Lloyd wonders why Carter is sleeping in the barn. When Lloyd tells him to say sorry to Beth differently so she feels it, Carter gives Lloyd the same advice. He says he never said sorry.

Walker plays a song, and Lloyd grabs the guitar and smashes it. Lloyd stabs Walker in the chest.

Mia's out of here.

Ryan's got Lloyd cuffed on the ground.

Beth still wants that ride. Rip knows she's looking for something, and she's looking for a place for their wedding. Someplace where nothing happened until they happened.

Rip sees the lights, and finds the wranglers with Lloyd.

The blade is in the bone.

John gives Lloyd one last chance, demands the girls are out of the bunkhouse, and Lloyd and Walker fight it out until there's nothing left. And John wants Rip to make an example out of the last man standing.

Monica is stewing over Avery.

Rip calls everyone to the bunkhouse. He's got pink slips and last pay for Laramie and Teeter and one for Laramie to give to Mia.

He takes the men out to the corral. They're got to fight. They go to town, and Rip won't let them stop.

Beth is waiting for Jamie in his office. She's ready to tear him to the ground.

Kayce and Monica are happy. it feels like home.

John arrives at the fight. He prepares to end it, but Rip does the job, smashing Lloyd's hand. Once it's over, Lloyd helps Walker to his feet.

Rip is in pain over what he had to do.

Carter wants to be John Dutton when he grows up.

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Yellowstone Season 4 Episode 6 Quotes

Jamie: What about right or wrong?
Garrett: There's no such thing. There's no such thing as right or wrong. There's no such thing as fear or moral. Those are words men invented to scare and shame other men to take back what they've stolen. John Dutton used you, just like he used all his children to scare and shame others so nobody takes back what he stole. You know that's true. I have no agenda but giving you back the family you never had and the legacy he robbed from you. Did I try to kill him? You're damned right I did, and I'll keep tryin' till I get it right. That's how much I love you.

Jamie: I'd miss my brother.
Garrett: He's not your brother.
Jamie: In my heart, he's my brother.
Garrett: In your imagination. You barely know him! You miss what you thought you were, that's all. You'll miss that whether you're alive or not.