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It has been three days, and Joe doesn't know what to do with Benji's decaying body. After it's almost discovered when a blown fuse requires a handyman to go in the basement, Joe puts Benjis body in the trunk of the car he uses that belonged to Mooney.

Beck goes out with her friends and tells then that Joe is nice, but she is still seeing guys on Tinder much to Joe's dismay. She goes home with the bartender and they have sex while Joe watches through the window.

They break her bed.

Joe takes her to a furniture store. Things get heated between them and Joe tries to give her oral sex at the store but she recoils and declines. When she apologizes and tries to make it up to him later at her house, Peach interrupts saying she needs Beck to take her to the hospital because she's sick.

They go in Mooney's car, but there is too much traffic, and Peach can't take the smell. She and Beck leave Joe and go on their own. Peach tries to discourage Beck from dating Joe, but Beck is stubborn about it.

Joe gives Paco a list of items to get from the store for him. Ron finds the list and calls the cops on Joe because the items raised flags. When the cops talk to Joe he explains that he was using the items to fix the community garden. He mentions that Ron is neglecting Paco. The cops buy it and leave.

Peach figures out Joe took her book and tells Beck, but she dismisses it.

Joe takes Benji's body out in the woods to burn it. Some campers notice the fire and talk to Joe for a bit before he can get them away.

Beck is challenged by a girl named Blythe in her new class. She is supposed to do an assignment but struggles to complete it for the deadline. She's intimidated by Blythe.

When she calls Joe, hes distracted with the body he snaps at her. He's afraid that it's over, but beck comes to the bookstore to explain what has been going on with her. She wants to know more about him.

He shows her the basement and all of the books and talks about how important they are to him. She invites him to her house. They start having sex but Joe's so excited he doesn't last longer than a minute.

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YOU Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

How exactly does one get rid of a body? I can't just Google this kind of thing without leaving a pretty damning evidence trail.

Joe Voiceover

Candace, I'm not ready to tell you about her yet. It's too soon, Beck.

Joe Voiceover