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Josh is getting used to being a father to baby Gemma, and surprisingly, co-parenting with Claire is going smoothly. 

After the two have a brief "moment" following an exhausting day of changing diapers and feeding, Josh realizes he doesn't want to be with Claire simply because they share a child. 

When he confronts Claire about it, she agrees that they keep trying to force something that isn't there. 

Josh gets down on one knee and asks Claire the question every woman in a love-less marriage craves to hear: will you divorce me?

Meanwhile, Liza is becoming suspicious about Charles' post-Empirical plans, which he's been rather secretive about. 

She questions why he took out a $950K dollar against the townhouse but he brushes it off as "moving around his assets." 

Liza's not convinced, but she doesn't have too much time to worry about it because she's helping Kelsey and Diana put out fires left and right at Empirical/Millennial. 

Everyone in New York City has become obsessed with a new true-crime podcast, Exonerated. 

The leading lady in the podcast, and the suspected murderer, Audrey, pitched the book to Millennial, and though Liza and Kelsey were completely terrified to be in the maybe killer's presence, they agreed to everything simply to get her signed. 

Redmond said he wasn't shopping the book around anywhere else, but when peers began accusing Millennial of paying to get Quinn's book "Claw" to the top of the bestseller's list, Audrey decided to go with another publishing house because she no longer trusted Kelsey and Liza. 

Audrey's publishing house was a new start-up called Mercury. Oh, and the editor of the book? None other than Kelsey's on-again-off-again squeeze, Zane. 

Kelsey and Diana question how Zane got the kind of money to almost double what they offered Audrey for her book, and Liza realizes that it's likely Charles was involved. 

Meanwhile, Kelsey confronts Quinn about purchasing "Claw" in bulk to boost her numbers and using Chinese robots to get "Claw" trending on Twitter. 

Quinn admits to it all, but she's not phased one bit and doesn't think Kelsey should be either because the book made Empirical a lot of money.

Kelsey is backed into a corner at this point: Quinn is the one who got her the job so she owes her, she also can't throw one of her authors under the bus or it will scare away future clients, and Quinn also has the upper hand because she knows Liza's real age and can expose it at any minute. 

Kelsey agrees to interview her during a Q+A with fans, and when they begin questioning Quinn about buying her way to the top and integrity, Kelsey one-ups her boss and announces that she's running for Senate a few months ahead of schedule. 

Maggie, a self-proclaimed vagina lover, has been scarred after watching Claire give birth in the back of a cab. 

It's so bad, she cannot even say the word vagina anymore. 

Lauren takes her to a therapy sesh where fathers attempt to see the vagina in a positive light again following the birth of the child. 

Maggie is too grossed out by it, but she's into the teacher of the group.

So into her that on their first date they take things rather fast. 

Guess she's over that whole "vaginas are gross" thing then, huh?

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Younger Season 6 Episode 3 Quotes

I swear, the only thing white women love more than Pinterest is murder.


Kelsey: I assume you saw Quinn Tyler's story in the Times, and the Post, and Wired.
Redmond: I did. Kelsey, you're a messy bitch who lives for drama. I stan.