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Zoey and Max restarted their movie nights and seemed like they were growing closer over the hour. 

They were interrupted by Mo who needed boy advice for his new boy toy Eddie.

It was clear Max thought he was getting somewhere with Zoey, but later he found out he was very wrong.

Maggie was busy finding an in-home caretaker for Mitch and after she went through a group of dreary choices she found a supposed diamond in the rough. 

Zoey and Simon had an awkward interaction at work and decided to be strict professionals, no more emotional talks. 

Meanwhile, Leif and Joan were working on a huge project together and finally disclosed their new device to the group. Tobin struggled with feeling swept aside as Leif seemed to grow closer with Joan.

After Max surprised Zoey with a shocking real-life flash mob Zoey had to learn that she wasn't doing anybody a favor by avoiding him and not giving him a real answer.

To keep him at bay, she told him about her musical superpowers and spent the episode trying to convince him that she wasn't going crazy. 

She finally properly friendzoned him and now their friendship is on hold. 

By the end of the workday Zoey caught Joan and Leif share a hot and heavy kiss in the office. 



Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist
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