13 Things Every Fan of The Big Bang Theory Knows to Be True

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If you've been watching The Big Bang Theory from the start, there are some things you just know. 

For example, what do you do when a friend is in distress? Which Star Trek series is the best one? And what should you do every Wednesday night?

Here's a list of 13 things every real fan of The Big Bang Theory knows to be true!

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1. When a Friend is Sad, It's Customary to Offer Them a Hot Beverage

Sheldon Cooper may not always understand social conventions, but here's one he gets. If a friend is sad, it's customary to offer them some sort of hot beverage. Preferably tea or hot cocoa.

2. Scissors Cuts Paper, Paper Covers Rock, Rock Crushes Lizard, Lizard Poisons Spock

The full rules of the game: scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock, (and as it always has) rock crushes scissors.

3. Vapo Rub Works Best with a Song

Vapo Rub is great when you're sick, but it works much better if the person applying it also sings the song, "Soft Kitty." It goes like this: "Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur. Happy kitty, sleepy kitty. Purr, purr, purr."

4. Star Trek: The Original Series is Far Superior to Star Trek: The Next Generation

While Sheldon and Leonard believe that Star Trek: The Original Series is much better than Star Trek: The Next Generation, they also agree that Captain Picard is superior to Captain Kirk.

5. You Should Never, Ever Bring Back Fruit with a Happy Meal

Amy once made that mistake with a pregnant Bernadette, who exclaimed, "What kind of lunatic goes to McDonald's a gets fruit?!" Seriously, Amy, always bring back fries.

6. Exchanging Gifts Can Be Stressful

According to Sheldon, exchanging gifts is a stressful business. What if the gift you're giving is less than or more than the one you're receiving? Of course, the stress of gift-giving between friends is totally worth it.

7. Many Problems Can Be Solved With Contracts

It's always a good idea to develop a contract before entering into any new arrangement. Sheldon's Roommate Agreement is rock solid, and since then, he's also developed a Relationship Agreement for he and Amy, and then drafted one for Leonard and Penny as well.

8. Fox Should Not Have Canceled Firefly

Sheldon is especially bitter about the fact that Firefly only got one season, but all the guys have referenced their disappointment over that fact on more than one occasion.

9. Wednesday Night is Halo Night

At least in the early seasons, a regular schedule is kept by the guys, with Wednesday night being a very important night: Halo Night.

10. It's Easy to Know When Someone is Lying

Well, that's try when it's Leonard, at least. There's an easy way to tell any time Leonard is lying, and it isn't just his wife that knows it. Any time he lies, his voice gets higher. "Whaaaaat?"

11. The Best Batman

Whether you think it's Michael Keaton or Christian Bale who makes the better Batman, everyone knows they're both ahead of George Clooney. Even Adam West agrees on that.

12. Comic-Con is Serious Business

Attending Comic-Con is a very big deal. Whether it's San Diego Comic-Con or the Comic-Con in Bakersfield, it's important to plan everything carefully. Especially when it comes to your costumes.

13. Sometimes the Most Unlikely Pairings Make the Best Friends

One of the most important relationships on The Big Bang Theory is Sheldon and Penny's friendship. They may be completely different, but they've managed to become incredibly close over the years.

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TBBT Quotes

Sheldon [to Kripke]: Also, I am given to understand that your mother is overweight.
Raj: Oh, snap.
Sheldon: Now of course, if that is the result of a glandular condition and not sloth and gluttony then I withdraw that comment.

How is "doable" anything but a compliment?
