Arrowverse Crossover photos From "Crisis On Earth-X"

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37. Wave Of Fire - Arrow Season 6 Episode 8

Either someone set off a fire to block Dark Arrow or...this Oliver Queen wields some nasty trick-arrows.

38. Flash In Action - Arrow Season 6 Episode 8

You can't keep down a Flash for too long! Unless this is what leads up to Barry getting captured...

39. Evil DC TV Trinity - Arrow Season 6 Episode 8

While it is still a mystery why Barry isn't the Dark Flash on Earth-X, how deliciously evil does this trinity look?

40. You Probably Should Not Make Her Angry - Arrow Season 6 Episode 8

We are just going to take a wild guess here and assume that Overgirl isn't someone you want to make angry.

41. A Super Enemy - Arrow Season 6 Episode 8

Do you think Dark Flash and Overgirl are Super-Friends on Earth-X? Or perhaps Super-Crime-Partners?

42. Behold The Overgirl - Arrow Season 6 Episode 8

Once again, we are passed the point of Spoiler Alert. Meet Kara Zor-El of Earth-X where she is known as Overgirl.

43. Look What We Have Here - Arrow Season 6 Episode 8

Too late for Spoiler Alert...Eobard Thawne (for some reason looking like Harrison Wells) is the Dark Flash on Earth-X. You read that right, not Reverse-Flash, but the Dark Flash.

44. Is A Dynamic Duo In The Works - Arrow Season 6 Episode 8

Could we be seeing a dynamic duo come to life after this crossover between Sara and Alex? Probably not at least regularly since they live on two separate Earths.

45. What Is Around His Neck - Arrow Season 6 Episode 8

So Barry gets his wedding interrupted, but look at the good side. At least he gets a ring...but around his throat. What is that?

46. Guess Who Is Back In Green - Arrow Season 6 Episode 8

Say what?! Oliver Queen is the Green Arrow...again?! We did not see that all.

47. Save The Date - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

Before we cut to the Legends of Tomorrow portion of the crossover...The CW would like you to remember to save the date!

48. Do Not Disobey Those Eyes - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

If a Nazi version of Oliver Queen gave me that look, I would get to work immediately right away, no matter what his orders are.

49. What Does He Have Planned For Them - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

Something just doesn't feel right about this at all. Why is he wearing a lab uniform and what is he going to do to them?!

50. How Can They Even See Anything In Those - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

Seriously, it can't be easy at all to see anything in those masks. Or is it?

51. They Got Felicity Too - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

Darn it, they got Felicity too! Can we get to see some of these awesome DCTV women kicking some of these Nazi's asses?

52. They Got Iris - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

This is probably not how Iris West pictured her wedding day to be like. Hopefully, she gets to kick some Nazi ass.

53. Felicity Is In Trouble - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

This is going to be quite intense to watch as a Nazi version of the Flash is trying to kill a Jewish woman. But obviously, he is going to get his evil ass kicked!

54. What Is The Origin Story Of Earth X Oliver Queen

What do you think the origin story was for this version of Oliver Queen on Earth-X? Do you think Lian Yu still happened?

55. A Twist Flarrow - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

Aside from the fact that Thawne looks like Harrison, this is one twisted version of our Flarrow duo!

56. Being Bad Ass In Style - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

Alex Danvers, Green Arrow, White Canary, and Citizen Cold knows how to look style!

57. Still Weird With The Gun - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

It is still so weird to see White Canary wielding a gun. Do we even remember the last time she used that as a weapon?

58. Get Ready For Citizen Canary - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

For every CaptainCanary fans out there, hopefully, you will dig CitizenCanary too!

59. A Cold Green Team Up - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

Since we never saw Captain Cold and Green Arrow would you dig a Citizen Cold and Emerald Archer pair-up instead?

60. Canary With A Gun - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

Sara Lance a.k.a. White Canary...with a gun? This is quite weird to see.

61. Are We On Earth X - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

We really must be somewhere else because that elevator doesn't look like the one in the Arrow bunker and it doesn't feel like we are at Star Labs either. Are we on Earth-X for real?

62. This Really Has To Be Earth X

We think this really has to be Earth-X because it definitely doesn't look like any of the sets we've seen before on The Flash and Arrow.

63. If Not Earth X Then Where Could They Be

If this isn't Earth-X at all, then where in the name of the Speed Force are they? Is this perhaps a new secret hideout in Central City to hide from the enemies?

64. They Do Not Look Impressed - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

Something clearly isn't going well here as many of our heroes look not so impressed.

65. Can We Keep Citizen Cold - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

Since Wentworth Miller is getting ready to be done with the Arrowverse, we only have him for a certain amount of time. Can't we keep Citizen Cold?!

66. The Ray Is So Darn Cute - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

Doesn't Ray just look absolutely adorable? Although it will be confusing to keep up with so many Rays in the crossover.

67. How Good Does Citizen Cold Look - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

Seriously, can we talk about Citizen Cold's look? He looks very comic book accurate with his new parka.

68. Thinking Firestorm Is Thinking - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

A Flash, a Stein and a Jax, all thinking hard...about something. Maybe they are curious too about this Winn mystery?

69. Which Winn Is This - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

This can't be Winn Schott from Earth-38, he looks so...bad boy?

70. Why Did Alex Not Get A Supersuit - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

Listen, Alex Danvers is an eternal bad-ass with our without a costume. But it would still be interesting if she could get something, like a dope mask perhaps?

71. The Two Most Serious Arrowverse Characters - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

If Martin Stein and Oliver Queen could have a throwdown in who is the most serious out of the would be a tough call.

72. Are These Freedom Fighters - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

Could we be seeing more Freedom Fighters from Earth-X join The Ray on this mission?

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Supergirl, Arrow, The Flash, DC's Legends of Tomorrow
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Supergirl Season 3 Episode 8: "Crisis On Earth-X, Part 1"
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Supergirl Season 3 Episode 8 Quotes

J'onn: Supergirl, identify the threat so we can help you fight it.
Winn: Whatever it is, it came out of deep orbit and it is maaad.
J'onn: So it's alien?
Winn: Well, it's definitely not NASA.
Kara: Dominator. These guys are so last year.

Alex: You're right. This is not a time for us to go out, or have any fun. This is our time to wallow, to drown our sorrows, and put on break up weight.
Kara: No.
Alex: I was just kidding. I know that you are incapable of putting on weight, which I totally resent.