Quotables from Week Ending July 23, 2015

We've picked the best quotes of the week ending July 23, 2015. Check out what really turned our heads this week, and see if they're your favorites, too!

Quotables from Week Ending July 9, 2015

We've rounded up the best quotes from all your favorite summer shows for the week ending July 9, 2015.

Quotables from Week Ending July 2, 2015

We've rounded up the best quotes from all your favorite summer shows for the week ending July 2, 2015. Find out what's stopping us in our tracks!

Quotables from Week Ending June 25, 2015

We have gathered up the most interesting quotes from the week ending June 25, 2015. Find out what made the cut when you flip through the slideshow!

2015-2016 Renewal Scorecard

What has been renewed? What has been canceled? Click through this extensive photo gallery and learn the fate of your favorite sitcom or drama.

Aquarius Quotes

This is your moment. You dive into your own beautiful future, or fall right back into mommy and daddy.


Shafe: You've got to read him his rights.
Hodiak: What?
Shafe: That new, uh, that Miranda thing.
Hodiak: Miranda? Who?
Shafe: Hey, you gotta it.
Hodiak: You, dirtbag, have the right to, but you don't deserve, or I'll kick your teeth in. How's that?
Shafe: Seriously?
Hodiak: I can't remember it exactly.
Shafe: You know it?
Hodiak: Do you?
Shafe: I got the, uh, card that they handed out.