17 Seemingly Romantic Gestures that Fell Flat

Not all romantic gestures cause fireworks. Some inspire dread, horror, boredom and make us wonder how could anyone think these were expressions of true love?

17 TV Characters Who Would Have Made A Killing During Prohibition

When Congress passed the 18th Amendment, bootlegging and speakeasies became America's favorite pastimes. Which TV characters would get in on the fun and profit?

Fall 2018 Premiere Dates: Set Your DVR!

Fall TV is almost upon us, and we've rounded up which shows are coming your way, and more importantly when you can actually watch them. Read on!

24 Couples Whose Love was Denied by Death

These couples had some of the best chemistry. Some of them got together and some of them never did. Their love was cut short by the grim reaper. Who broke your heart?

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
